
Should the military take the playboy and like magazines out of the PX?

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I was just on and there is congressman that wants

take them out.The way i read it he thinks it has to do with rapes and that sort of things. I was in the air force and we read all kinds of the magazines all over the world and best of my revelection was i didn't rape anybody,let me know how you feel about this with some good answer.




  1. Let me get this straight...

    The congressman thinks it's alright for these men to go and kill /wound/ make homeless people, lots of people, including many innocent women and children (despite all the smart bombs etc, there are still plenty of "collateral damage") but it's not OK for these adult men to look at pictures of naked women (a very natural desire)?

    Mr. Congressman, please grow up!

  2. he is appealing to the "momma vote".some women no matter how old their sons get don't believe the apple of their eye actually looks at those things.

    He is seriously outdated in his thinking .what next skirts on mess hall tables so they wont think of legs.

  3. That is just plain silly.  He must be up for reelection this year.  Please, don't congress have better things to do with their time.

  4. No. Besides, magazines don't rape people, people rape people.

  5. me too I have that problem!

  6. No, they can look at whatever they want.

  7. If men's magazines were removed, there would be a mutiny.

  8. No.

  9. the only person who would sugguest that such magazines be removed from bases or presence has never served.

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