
Should the mining company compensate farmer??

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  1. Yes. A few months, I visited a village near Neyveli Lignite Corporation. The old wells in that villages have completely gone dry. All the farmers have stopped using the wells, after they went dry, with the mining at Neyveli. Some are just eking out their living by putting a deep bore-well at considerable depth. Pathetic! It is a pity the mining co. has done pretty nothing for these affected farmers. In India, the most neglected lot are the farmers.

  2. WHY?

    If the land is acquired by the mining companies, the farmer will be paid appropriate compensation or even these days, farmers, negotiate big deals and demand hefty and unreasonable compensation.

    If the compensation paid is reasonable and appropriate in all respects, then the question of mining company, paying compensation does not arise at all.

    In more cases, the ignorant and illiterate farmers are duped by the politicians, officials and middlemen.  They cheat and dupe the farmers.  Otherwise, even the mining companies run by businessmen, do not cheat.

    We have a common notion, that farmers are poor, illiterate, ignorant and easily cheated lot.  But, go out to villages, in every part of this country, stay there for sometime and deal with them, you will know, what kind of farmers exist today.

    The farmers in India, these days are d**n clever and intelligent.  Do not underestimate them.  Just because, their finance status, does not permit them to show off, otherwise, they can s***w any mining company.

    Mining is an industry.  If the land is acquired or leased out, the farmers earns 100 times more than what he has been fetching from the land and still he gets back his land, after the granite, or whatever the ore, which extracted or mined out of it.

    There may be some microscopic minority of farmers, who are cheated and loose their property.  The percentage of such farmers are negligible.

    At the same time, these mine lords are the greatest frauds and cheats in India. They cheat the country from the payment of royalty, sales tax, road tax and produce all kinds of irrelevant and bogus bills, avoid the payment of all taxes.

    When compared the mine lords are worse and hardened criminals and it is an insult to compare them with hard working farmer, who just for living, demands more compensation, for what he has lost.

    Finally, There are good and bad in both.

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