
Should the minister of Education, Minister of Health and Min. Agriculture not resign. depts must mordernise?

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Should the minister of Education, Minister of Health and Min. Agriculture not resign. depts must mordernise?




  1. Fire them all!

  2. no minister has resigned on his own . They have to be kicked out.

    India will run better with just 5 ministers

    The work  of other 50 ministers is to make working of these 5 minister diificult and then appear as champion of the miserables .

    we have education minister who is least educated

    Minister of health is making the country population sick and pharma companies healthy

    Agricultural minister is cricket minister. He knows nothing about agro nor culture.

  3. I'm guessing you are from Britain, The USA doesn't call ours Ministers.  But the problem is world wide I imagine, all of these top people are political appointees, put in these important jobs more as political favors or what they can do for Prim Minister, President, etc, rather than for what they know and they well they do their jobs.  There is not much hope that can be changed in the future.

  4. I don't know what country you refer?

  5. tell me wat will happen if they all resigned.

    does this solves the problems we r facing. the fact is that whoever may be the person the root of all evil is our pschye to not get involved in contry's cause .

    resigning , removing will not serve the purpose if u want betterment of nation then u should try on ur own level first then blame othwes how many of us prefer to use agri university reccomnded varitie i bet not even handful then how can we blame agri department for it's work

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