
Should the monarchy dissapear?

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Don't you think they spend alot of money? That money could be spent instead in speedways, hospitals, schools, etc. Why give it to just one family?




  1. Yes they do spend a lot of money but I lile the Queen, especially her voice lol hehehe

    She looks nice and leave it. I like that is the British culture original type of thing. Now culture has changed and moved on which I like, I don't hate it but want to believe that the British have a culture of their own too

    It is nice.  

  2. The Queen and the Royal Family cost the taxpayers £40 million last year!

    But I say keep them !! The monarchy is Britian's heritage. Centuries of culture, history, traditions and heritage would be lost !!

    The Royal Mail. Did you know the British stamp with the Queens head on is the only stamp in the world that doesn't need to have the countries name written on it as everyone recognises Queen Elizabeth's Head !!

    Besides 62 pence a year- is that a lot? No !!

  3. In effect the Monarch does not cost the taxpayer a single penny.  The income that the govt received from the Queen and the Crown Estates is over £150 million per year.  The Civil List (the money paid for the upkeep of the Monarchy) is £36 million per year (this figure has not gone up in some considerable time even allowing for inflation).

    Now for all you republicans our there this equates to a suprplus of about £114 million per year profit for the Treasury.  The cost of 60 odd pence per year per person in the UK is based on the Civil List figure.  Very good value in my book, but then again you won`t see this, will you?

  4. If you are looking at this subject from a monetary point of view, they are worth the money, it costs the average tax-payer 62pence oer year, the country gets a lot more than that back in the tourism it brings to this country.

    The monetary point pales into almost insignificance when compared to the respect that the monarchy engenders world wide.

    Some members of the family are an absolute waste of space, but then what family doesn't have such members?

  5. Yeah up it's own backside

  6. yes theyre chinless bloodsuckers

    the money could be spent helping people who need it

    people who say they only cost pence per person per year should read these

    Prince Charles also took a three-day trip on the royal train from Aberdeen to Euston, via Liverpool, that cost £40,513, while a four-day trip from Mid-Glamorgan, via Bangor, Powys and Welshpool, to Kemble station, near Highgrove, cost £43,258.

    theyre an expensive joke!

  7. No.    Can you explain yourself

  8. No, you should.

  9. The monarchy makes this country an interesting and renowned place. When people around the world think England - they think monarchy. The most renowned and powerful monarchy the world has ever seen.

    Plus, a high percentage of tourism in this country is linked to the monarchy so we get the money back through that.

    Long live queen lizzy!

  10. They should just move back to Germany where they came from. Wills and Harry are Ok as their mother was English and they are human.

  11. i object, on principle, to 62pence of my hard earned cash going to the richest woman on earth. As for tourism, the Beatles legacy brings more tourists than the queen. i would rather, if i had any say in it, give my 62pence to the care of the elderly enhancing their lives Our queen doesnt even pay them a visit.

  12. the monarchy should be abolished.  They are useless and do nothing worthwhile for the country or the people.  

    I also get sick of people saying they are good for tourism.  France does not have a monarchy and Paris has more tourists than London.

  13. No the monarch are the best thing we have left in this country and for the pittance they spend is nothing compared to what the government waste and milk out of use. The monarchy actually bring in billions to this country and they only get very little from the country.

    Long live her Majesty are noble Queen.

  14. You are right, this family of leeches serve no useful purpose and fulfil no obvious or easily definable role. A president (non-executive) would be far better, allowing us to retain cabinet government and a PM.

  15. I want my 62p back

  16. If they disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't be soon enough.

  17. Please



  19. As far as my history is terrible, didn't the monarchy existed since the medieval times? Yet today the same practice is used, except that they're more like an ambassador rather than anything else. At least, this is what I feel about today's monarchy.

    In one word, I would agree with you. I can understand the PM would have to spent millions of money to support the country, but the mornachy? It all comes down to the bloodline... with the amount of money they have, it could probably halfen the world's poverty.

  20. No,it shouldn't but,the people calling for them to do so,should.

  21. Yes we don't need them, the tax payer funds their lifestyle while our elderly have to choose to eat or heat in winter. Elderly pay council tax why? the elderly should not be taxed to subsidise Royalty.

    I don't subscribe to the argument that Royalty bring in revenue to the country, we can do without them.

    Do you think all the immigrants into the UK came because of the Royal family? No they came because we have an open door policy which should have been closed long ago.

  22. Well yes we do need a hole in the head.

    The reason Charles started talking to HIMSELF.....was cause NO-ONE -wanted to talk to HIM :)

  23. get rid of them, they do nothing, except spend tax payers money on drugs and booze and what ever else that lil ginger freak does!? the queen is just there to look pretty and so we have sum1 to put on our coins! And worst of all the queen aint even english, not really anyway, she is of german blood!! Its not gona happen any time soon but i think the monarchy will slowly fade away, and good ridance is all i can say

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