
Should the oral interview vis-a-vis the Viva -Vice be banned?

by  |  earlier

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we talk of level playing field. what we overlook that appointments to PVT firms are mostly based on the oral interview conducted by the chosen representatives of the employers. And this is the lethal weapon that those so called impartial Brahmin First uses to reject best of the lower csate candidates .




  1. Viva Voce means oral interview, so it can never be written. no one will hire ANYONE without an interview. if you do not measure up in personal or verbal presentation, if you do not dress appropriately or speak properly, if your communication skills are absent, you will not get the job. competition is getting more intense, jobs are fewer and population in the professional sector is increasing. your caste is only a barrier if the person interviewing you has a personal problem with your caste, it is NOT common in the workplace and if some organisation calls itself Brahmin First, it is NOT impartial but being racist and a bigot. they are like the n***s. only in india can such people exist when all over the world people will give them a big kick, so unfortunately, you are the victim of your own country's practices. suffer on in silence, my friend.

  2. It cuts both ways. Some times they may eliminate the Brahmins. Oh! God! How long we are going to be playing the caste card?

  3. I see you are back at your old game.Your VICE

    is your hatred.Unfortunately your VOCE does

    not seem to carry any weight.A fellow who doesn't know the difference between VICE and VOCE and also who doesn't know that "oral

    interview" and "viva voce"are one and the same.

    Shame on you.

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