
Should the police be allowed to stop youths on the street, and feel fully supported by all our community?

by  |  earlier

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If you have done nothing then you have nothing to worry about. How else can they effectivley rid the street's of knives.




  1. In a word NO.

  2. I am all in favour of stop and search. Anything that will help get knives off the streets of Britain.  The whole public should support them . Forget about human rights. What rights did the victims have. ?

  3. What's the point in stopping youths? The police haven't got any power so it's essentially pointless. If they were free to exercise their authority and punish these kids, the community would support them. Why should we support a police force who don't police the community?

  4. Police should be allowed to stop youths on the streets after 10 PM.

    After 10 PM there is no reason for youth to be in the streets.

  5. There are not suppose to unless they have reason and you can ask what the reason is too. Keeping people safe is a hard enough job, but pissing off the community you are serving is another thing altogether. People need to know there rights and the laws before trouble or something unfair comes their way.

  6. So you have a police state over there too? Same in America. The police just harass everyone here. Except the criminals.

  7. No.  That's harrassment.

  8. The police should be allowed to stop and search youths and if they find a knife they should kill the youth..Thank You.

  9. Back in the 60s & 70s it happened all the time, two or three times a day sometimes. Then they were looking for cannabis, not knives. We didn't like it but accepted it as part of our lives. We looked like the type that smoked so we got pulled, if we didn't want to take that risk we could have looked or behaved differently. It happened, it was the times we lived in, with the knife crime we have everyday in the news it's going to happen again, it's the times we live in.

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