
Should the police service be privatised?

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nBOBp would put the job out to tender immediately on being put into power. Private companies will be able to bid to build stations and provide policing services, and so drive up costs as follows:

1) A private company will pay more for the capital it raises

2) It will ALWAYS take out more than it puts in (Hello! It's a business)

3) It will seek maximum income from least output (Hello!)

nBOBp believes this to be of great benefit to the directors and shareholders of these companies. The winning bid will be known as the Tax-Funded Executives' Pension Plan. After a string of failures such as budget overrun (which the company will of course factor into the charges made to the public) and poor performance, the company will be made a Preferred Bidder. After this status is achieved the contract between government and company will be known as the GUARANTEED Tax-Funded Executives' Pension Plan.

Help nBOBp help the rich to help themselves.




  1. No.  But a private agency may be appointed to keep the force in check..

  2. Hey Mr Heckle

    To your question, No it should not.  And that is because there will be no one to police the police, in other words, if the private police officer was to do some thing wrong all the company has to do is fire the officer and that is it no one will be made to pay for the wrong doing.  The company that ran the police company will also be able to charge for any thing and every thing that they are called out for.  Maybe even charge people,  victims of crimes by the crime, like robbery 500.00 dollars, murder 10,000.00 plus daily expenses with a time limit of how long the investigation will be allowed to continue, right down to how much they can charge for a traffic ticket not to mention how much the state of city will charge you when you go to court.

    So no sir, it would not be a good idea to privatize the cities police forces.

    Take care and Keep the Faith....PEACE....cya....

  3. no not at all because look what happened when the transport for prisoner's was changed some was escaping .The police are all right as they are.

  4. I've never heard of nBOBp! Anyway, as some aspects of what was always Police work have already been contractorised this notion is hardly new; lets face it HMG has a policy of reducing the number of public servants and that has been the case under every Government whether Labour or Conservative.  The actions of a Policeman must be done on behalf of the people through enforcement of Local or Central Government laws who pays them is irrelavant as long as they enforce the law correctly. However, as a Policeman's  warrant card and power of arrest is issued on behalf of the Crown an act of Parliament would be needed to enable a change to a PLC run Police Force. However, it could be run as a GoCo Agency without much change at all.

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