
Should the queen sign over sovereignty to the EU in June?

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  1. NO it will be the end of Britain as we know it and not for the better.

    Britain Free Forever

  2. A country should NEVER sign over its sovereignty!

  3. I agree with Dave. That is your countries death signature.

  4. Now I don't know where they get their information from, but I can almost guarantee a large proportion of it is wrong.  For instance  comments such as..."The EU is illegal under British law. Four Prime Ministers and the Queen have committed five acts of Treason" in one of their "truths" on the EU.  How likely is it really that even one Prime Minister could get away with this without the press being all over it?  It's not going to happen!

  5. No

  6. I don't think so.

  7. NO NO NO!!!.

  8. No  !!!!!   That's  the  only  thing  that  keeps  England  going....

    It's  it's  pride  and  glory..........It's  a  symbol...........Heritage.... and  history.

    It  also  attracts  lots  of  tourists,  so  it's  good  for  the  economy.

  9. No way. :-)

  10. Absolutely NOT !!

    The European Union is gradually taking over as the "real" government of the United Kingdom.

    It's influence (mainly for the worse) is everywhere, from the local shop (kilo's only please, wer'e almost French), the criminal justice system (if you can get justice that is), through to our national borders (or lack of them).

    As a nation, the UK gives away far more money to the EU, than it receives back.  At present estimates, we give away some 40 BILLION more each year than we get back.

    The Labour government has steadily given away more and more of our powers as a sovereign nation and is now trying to "sign off" on the EU constitution, without any form of consultation with it's people.  This constitution is one of the last measures required to form a single nation called the United States of Europe, at which time, the UK will effectively cease to exist as a sovereign nation.  As with all things from New Labour, this is being done by stealth and deception.  

    Please don't let them get away with it !!!

    If you want to retain the independence of the the UK as a sovereign nation, click on the link below and sign up to petition or a referendum on the proposed EU constitution, rather than just standing by and allowing it to happen at the whim of Gordon Brown and without the consent of the people.

  11. No... The influx of foreigners and loss of national identity are main concern for many ... as well as being dragged down by poorer countries.  As a United States of Europe...sorry...your history proves otherwise.   EU countries  don't share our long and hard sought  history or our committment.  Good, bad or indifferent were are ONE solid nation.  Nothing is impossible but I believe it is probably improbable at this point in history.

    Also,  I hope QE2  never passes that crown to that silly boy Charles and his mummy Camilla.

  12. I also agree with DaveH. It is nonsence to think that the UK cannot survive without the EU, we can and certainly many of our current problems caused mainly by the Labour Government could be re-addressed and sorted to our advantage. England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland would all continue to trade successfully throughout  the World  as we have done for years, irrespective of being a member of the EU. Having lived in France for a number of years, let me tell you that French are not that keen. Fight the situation, no matter how insignificant you may consider your voice is, it is another voice added to many that counts.

  13. Hmm, this sentence sounds vaguely familiar: "Competences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the

    Member States."  Sounds rather like our 10th amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    And we know how much weight that has carried toward restraining the powers of the federal government...

    Btw, that treaty is quite obviously written so the citizens of the EU cannot understand it. For example, "The institutions of the Union shall apply the principle of subsidiarity as laid down in the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. National Parliaments ensure compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in accordance with the procedure set out in that Protocol." Wth?

    (I skipped the provocative website and pulled up the Treaty of Lisbon myself.)

  14. Not no, but h**l No!

    (and I'm not British)

  15. No.  But unfortunately things don't work that way.

    The people of this country have never signed to go into the European Union.  The referendum we had way back in the 1970's was for membership of the Common Market not the European Union.

    I fail to understand the logic of our politicians.  Why are they so keen to sign away our freedom.  Fear?  Of what?  Both Norway and Switzerland thrive outside the EU, so could this country.  I suspect it might be something to do with the gravy train that keeps rolling along.

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