
Should the "Reborn babies" be banned from the market?

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"Reborn babies' are handmade dolls, they are supposed to look, weigh and breath like real babies. There are lots of controversies about these dolls because some of the buyers are parents who lost their own real babies and now are buying these dolls to "replace' their lost baby.




  1. If it helps them in the grieving process then it can be good therapy.If it helps them to perpetuate their grief then they need other therapy.

    If you haven't lost a child you have NO idea what it can be like so your opinion is mute, meaning it has no actual merit. And NO, losing a child isn't like losing a wife isn't losing a motherisn't losing a dog, etc. ach has its own effect on those left behind.

  2. Unless it is overtly dangerous or patently illegal (no doll would fit those criteria), no product should be banned from the market in a free enterprise system.

    It is not the responsibility of the doll maker to insure that people do not use their products inappropriately.


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