
Should the rest of the world pay Brazil to maintain the Amazon Forest?

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Should the rest of the world pay Brazil to maintain the Amazon Forest?




  1. no, money is like "hard to handle", there will be controversies IF these money will be managed improperly. although money will be a big help to fund govenrnment projects.

    the solution for the countries to help Brazil is to start to look at their own backyard, (their own country) FIRST. why don't they look on the products they import are these products extracted raw materials from the amazon? and so on. they should get to the root of the problem, why amazon is being deforested so rapidly at a rate of 2000 trees per minute so if i answred this question for almost 2 1/2 minutes now and time is still running it's almost 6000trees being cut down just to provide us with our "not so basic needs"

  2. Gillian5's answer with sensible expansion and co-ordination with the Brazilian government is certainly worthy of deeper debate. Alberto it would seem is prepared to condemn his own country and peoples through blind nationalism.

  3. Companies stopping sending out all the advertising materials would be a start.  Every day I collect junk mail and put it in the bin.  It is appalling that they are allowed to bombard us with amount of paper.

  4. Gillian an Only1,

    I'm brazilian and we are ready for kick the *ss - and to kill, when necessary -, everybody who think that Amazonia must be under the control of the United Nations, which means some nations united (to rob).

  5. Gillian55106 should get the 10 points for this question! This is 1 area an International military response would be appropriate for.

  6. I'm sorry for my English (I'm italian).

    According to me Brazil should pay itselfs!

  7. You know what I think is funny?  Brazil does not actually keep the wood that's being taken out... guess who's getting the nice furniture form the wood that's being cut down?  No, that's not a good idea, and I don't think such idea has ever been proposed by the Brazilian government.  And to whoever said that the UN should be in, on or around the forest here's a little piece of reading for you:

  8. Rainforest in South Asia is being destroyed and nobody cares about it.

    Logging it’s the worst problem for Amazon Forest. People goes down there, open trails within the forest and get Mogno and other huge and expensive woods (trees). Once they had opened these paths and people that have worked around stays and try to settle them. Agriculture is the next step, but soil fertility is poor what leads to raising Cattle as a alternative solution.

    If international organization that regulates the logging commerce around the world, it would have huge effect on Amazon and other forests in Africa and South Asia.

    Amazon has protected reserves large as the size of England and government is doing the best to control that, but it requires money and technology. There are no efforts to offer services (satellite mapping, GPS equipment) to help the government to tackle this Issue.

    We are talking about an international government more interested within the huge mineral deposits within Amazon rather than ecology.

    Another interesting aspect is: Global Warming disrupts the weather and it leads to droughts or other related Issues. It affects Rainforest badly and it takes long time to recover because soil is not fertile and unique ecosystem was created based on fragile cycle where combination of flooding, rains, huge trees, decomposition of huge amounts of green material and important interference from insects and fungus help to keep the Forest alive.

    Global Warming is destroying the Amazon Forest and people who are doing that are not keen to pay the price. Like: I’ll burn your car and you will pay for that.


  9. Nope

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    Because new tree growth will never be done

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    Where there is free money there are sticky fingers

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    Its the politics of things

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    Get it the free money while you can before the next election

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  10. I think the whole world benefits from it, and I really don't think it should be dessimated. However, I don't think that Brazil should be exploiting it for a payoff. This is a tough one! I would say, we should contribute to the global well being, so yes, the world should pay them. It makes sense that if we want them to preserve a resource that we consider more valuable "as is" instead of cut into lumber, cleared for land or whatever, that we would pay them to compensate for revenue lost as a consequnce of not harvesting it. However, we must ask ourselves, is the forest worth more than we would be willing to pay for the goods produced by it. If the answer is yes, then we should pay them. If the answer is no, then we should let them do whatever they want.

  11. yep, sounds a good idea to me!

    All the worlds remaining rainforests and other areas of ecological importance should be declared 'earth survival zones' by the UN and the borders patrolled by UN troops if necessary, to keep out loggers, oil companies and other exploiters.

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