
Should the royal Family be done away with?

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Should the royal Family be done away with? What is so royal about them, there just the same as me and you, plus there living off our taxes, Also there not even true Brits they are of German desent!




  1. Yes, the Royal family should be abolished they are like Big Brother, but without Davina

    We should release them into the wilds to spend their millions unwisely

  2. Yes! On the queen's death there should be a referendum by the commoners after which the word commoner should disappear and true democracy should begin ie, all men & women looked on as equal!

  3. get rid of the inbred parasites...UP THE REPUBLIC. Simon Cowell for president!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yes, get rid of them! They are a total waste of money, effort, energy and space and nothing but a bunch of dysfunctional inbreds!

  5. Get rid......

  6. Good for you...At last someone has stood up and told the truth.   For memories sake I think that after the Queen dies,  they should all be got rid of ....Prince Charles should be the first to go....He has broken every rule in the book as far as becoming King.....along with the horses teeth Camila....We don't need them any more in this modern time.....

  7. Which Royal family? And what do you mean by... "done away with"? If you are referring to the UK Monarchy, there is no basis in logic for such a notion, irrespective of ones' viewpoint, and it is extremely distasteful to suggest the topic of "doing away with anybodies family. Historically the Russians and French have undergone revolutions which did the very thing you asked in your question, and look where they are now. So I would suggest the practical examples of your question clearly show, no, The Royal Family should certainly not be done away with, no matter whose they are!

  8. Good Luck...Has anyone noticed how much British television is on the air? (American) Idol, Survivor, Big Brother and many more. Now more than ever it will be impossible to get rid of them. I always thought of them as a bunch of cockroaches, they'll be the only ones to survive a nuclear blast. Ever since the passing of sweet Princess Diana the family will never be the same.

  9. Yes, Yes, and Yes. Why because of the way they are so out of touch with the people, yes i know we see the stunts they pull to get news coverage, and there not all bad, but come they have had their day, now let them get a job, where there is no one watching out for them,

    Just want to add, I know they pay taxs, but they cost the earth to protect them, which we pay for not them, and people don't really come to see the royal family, because they know they are rarely here, it's the history of the royal family they come to see, and that will be here long after they are gone

  10. Yes, the whole concept of royalty is a relic of the past.

    God's appointed one?  Oh please, none of that rubbish.  They are human, same as me and you, why should they be different due to their ancestry?

    And we pay for these inbred garbage.

  11. You need to get the facts right before posting such a stupid statement,they do not live off the taxes. Edit.... Nicole do some checking you will find YOU are wrong, I read  that it costs each Brit 63 pence per year.

  12. Well for one thing the Queen pays tax ,and the Royals generate a lot of tourism ,We are a mixed bunch in England ,we are all descended from parts of Europe ,except the Ancient Britain's that fled to Wales and Cornwall there are no true Brits now I doubt anywhere ,Not sure I like your choice of words Done away with ,,,

  13. Wow! Ur kind of right with the taxes bit but I mean if you look back to say Charles I and the civil war... the divine right of kings was apparent (a belief that God chooses monachs as he wants them to be second most important except from him) This I believe should be used in moderation as I think maybe they should be a bit more in control. I really don't think we should get rid of them as they to me they are what Britain is all about... good english, kindness, elegance, dignity, fairness, lovely palaces, charity work... I say God save the Queen but its up to you what you think. ps. there is nothing wrong with them being German.. classification is what we do with elements and compounds not people :-)

  14. What do you suggest? Down in the cellar like they did with the Romanovs? Then you could turn Buck House into a huge homeless shelter.

    I think not, eh?

  15. No !!! they should not. i like the royle family, yes they are the same as you and me but they do much more than sit on their arses all day long im sure!

  16. yes I think they should be done away with.Too much money is spent on them.

  17. i think they should be got rid of.especialy since the taxpayers had to pay for buckingham palace to repaired after the fire

  18. Shame on you!

    If it wan't for the Royal family Britain would not be what it is today, and that is one of the most powerful and influencial countries known.

    and when you say that they are of german desent, WHO CARES!?!?!

    even one of the royals was a n**i supporter (Everyone makes mistakes)

    but clearly you have not watched the show 'Who do you think you are' and most of them think that they are bristish etc. when in fact they get enitre oppursite in DNA results take me for example I was born and raised in east yorkshire and my ancient anncestors where the Norwegien Vikings.

  19. Yes they are an obsolete and unnecessary expenditure.

  20. personally, i like the Monarchy. i am a huge fan of Queen Elizabeth and the royals. but then again, i'm not a Brit, i'm Canadian. maybe that's why i don't ant them done away with.

  21. Saxe-Coburg - need I say more.....

    Windsor is not their real last name!

  22. No, they are a levelling factor in modern life. England is made up of many nationalities, who worries about them being of German descent?

  23. sorry to say but very few of us are of us are true Brits - in fact there may not be any such thing anymore - we are all descended from invaders!!!

    May make you feel better to know that only the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh receive funding from the Civil List and think how many visits to schools, churches, businesses etc they have to do every year - i think the queen did 800 + visits last year and she is 80+ - who else would want to spend their whole life pretending to be interested in yet another old folks home or new sports centre!  It makes me laugh when people complain she wont shake their hands - think how many of those hands have just picked their nose or been to the loo without washing their hands - yuck!!

    Only some members of the Royal Family carry out public duties and  these individuals receive an annual payment known as a Parliamentary Annuity, the funds being supplied to cover office costs however the queen now pays this money back through her private funds.

    also they do not live off our taxes since 1992 when it was agreed the royal family should pay all taxes inc inheritance tax.

    It was worked out by some finance company that each Brit pays 62 p per year to upkeep the royal family.

    Would you rather have tony Blair, Gordon brown, or that awful mayor of London cos that is who we would have as president or something similar without royalty - god save us from that - can you imagine who much more we would have to pay per year when you look at how politicians try to bleed up dry!

    Keep them cos better the devil you know

  24. None of us are true brits, we are all german as well. Saxons and such like.

    Also, the Royal Family is England, without them well it's not england is it?

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