
Should the salary cap be taken off the NBA?

by  |  earlier

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What do you think?

And why?

Or why not?




  1. No because like everyone has been saying the competition of all the teams would be diminished.  A couple of teams would dominate. Also the stars could up the money that they could get and it would be a huge bidding war for all the stars.  What is enough money?  With all the greedy players what would it take 200 million? for 5 years? Also if the salaries go up all the prices for tickets, jerseys , Souvenirs, Food, drinks, parking etc... will go up big time.

  2. First of all I HATE THE YANKEES! and  to answer your question no. Lower the salaries the lower the cost of tickets lower the cost of merchandise. 100 million to play basketball thats not justice!

  3. no then why would the players play they will be going to Europe and NBA will go out of business  

  4. Then smaller markets would suck while bigger markets like New York will just dominate.

    They should raise the cap.

  5. no... every team needs its limit...

    it wouldnt be fair for a team to take advantage of another ...

  6. Hard question. You don't want all your players going to Europe but at the same time you don't want it to be like baseball where mainly the big market teams win. I say increase it some more.

  7. the Yankees are not in the NBA r****d!!!i think it should be taken off, i think the threat of Europe is real.

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