
Should the sale of large cars be banned because of its effect to the environment especially on consuming gas?

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Should the sale of large cars be banned because of its effect to the environment especially on consuming gas?




  1. No, it should be banned because a huge SUV is far more likely to kill someone driving a normal car than another normal car would be. Driving one of those things is like walking along swinging your arms in the air.

  2. If we weren't smart enough to ask car manufacturers to keep from making cars that go faster than the speed limit, what on earth would make us smart enough to do this?

  3. I think so. If car companies stopped manufacturing such large vehicles we would all be better off. I felt like my hands were tied. I have a Jeep b/c I felt it was safer for my kids in a bigger vehicle. It seems everyone has a big vehicle and if you were in a little car your sh@@ out of luck in an accident. Our decision to buy the Jeep was based on the fact that I do not drive much and would not use much gas. I can get 21 mpg with my Jeep with driving sensibly - coasting, driving slow, not pulling out like a rocket.

    However, there is alot to be desired with the MPG and emissions of small cars as well. The whole transportation system needs to be revamped. We should be doing much better with advanced technology and natural resource conservation. We have seem to gotten stuck with the concept of the internal combustion engine and oil as the common fuel. Have to admit that our family did not help with purchasing a larger vehicle but it is like a visious cycle.

  4. Why done we start with the biggest contributor to the deplete of the ozone layer, methane. If we are going to help the environment lets stop consuming cows, and lets reduce the cow population to a fraction of what it is. Also semi trucks they are very bad, so lets find another way to transport goods, and stop using those big trucks. Pick up truck, definitely let them go too. Don't forget airplanes those should be banned too. Those huge things that do nothing but make our air dirty.

    I believe that a more comprehensive, and less invasive thing to do is to find alternative fuel that is harmless to the environment. We have the minds to figure out an alternative fuel, and I believe that we are less that 15 years way from that option.

  5. i think it should be discouraged but we are free to do as we want so i think it would be wrong to ban it

  6. No...the biggest negative effect on the environment is the hot air and f**t gas that comes out of Al Gore, everytime this hypocritical buffoon opens his mouth. Gore owns a parcel of land that is continuously mined for ore and stone, belching thousands of tons of pollutants into the air each year, for his monetary profit.  Wake up, open your eyes, research the truth about this boring fool.

  7. I don't think you could ban them in a so called free society.

    Although it certainly would not be our first act of hypocrisy.

    I would like to see a graduated price scale for Gasoline based on vehicle class though.

    Where "compacts" and "sub compacts" pay a minimal federal gas tax (currently 18.4 cents) escalating upwards till you reach a point where "large SUV" would pay, say $2.00 a gallon federal gas tax.

    That extra money would go into a trust fund to pay for tax breaks to homes and businesses that convert to renewable energy.  Such as installing solar panels, geoexchange systems, or building wind mills, etc.

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