
Should the song "Naughty Girl" by Chris Liley be banned?

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I'm sure most of who have seen or heard about the controversial show Summer Heights High. Lots of people were jumping up and down about the show for numerous reasons. Now, the creator, Chris Liley has released a song sung in the show called Naughty Girl by one of the characters, Mr.G. To be honest, I thought the show was genius and portrayed the views of school life exactly as I saw them, as I go to school now. It may come as a shock to you but the show seemed almost like real life to me. Its a big wake up call for people. School isn't what it seems anymore and Chris Liley has portrayed this well.

Mr G, a teacher in the show, created a song based on a girl who had died from a drug overdose in the show named Annabel, coincidentally, later on during the year a girl really did die, also named Annabel, who died of a drug overdose aswell. This caused so much controversy as the song made contain "offensive" lyrics.




  1. i totaly agree. how good is chris liley. he is so observent. those charectors seem so real they are exactly like alot of people. its amazing how he knows so much about school life. i hate mums who whine about it saying i dont want this on the tv. well ok dont show it to your children if u dont think its right. but that doesnt mean you should ban it for everyone else.

    with that contreversy with the girl who happened to die from an overdose whoz name was also ababelle. well chris liley didnt base it on her beause he had already finished filming when that girl died so he couldnt have based it on her.

    i know this because summer heights high was filmed at my REALLY close family friends high school.

    they were in the show :)

  2. mhmmm, the song's depiction of the consumption of narcotic substances and the potrayal of a teenager in such a fashion is undoubtedly going to have a detrimental impact on the psychology of kids and possibly influence them enough to consume drugs.

    The use of the rhythm is also a compelling beat with the suggestion of something mysterious which would intrigue kids.

    I think it's crude and obstreperous and should be banned.

  3. It was ok for the show, but i think playing it on radio's is making it cool to talk/sing about drugs. They are already a major issue in young society at the moment...

  4. i think it was a funny show and an amusing song, I agree it is a lot like school. I doubt it would encourage any teenager to go take drugs, and if adults have a problem with it then they shouldn't let young children watch the show. I've heard much worse lyrics on the radio

  5. I have also seen the show, I thought it was great.  That was really close to what my school was like.  Whilst I was there a student died in a car accident after school where she took drugs and then stacked the car into a pole.  These things happen in high schools, I think that he was just making people aware of what is going on.  The song itself is not promoting drugs, it calls it a bad habbit and she is a naughty girl.

    But there will always be people to complain, some people don't have anything better to do with themselves.  Some people are going to take drugs with or without the song!  Maybe the parents should spend their time talking to their kids about it instead!

    Just my option.

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