
Should the titanic be resurfaced?

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I need to know your opinion! :) 10 points for best answer!




  1. No, I don't think the Titanic should be brought to the surface, for a number of reasons.  It would most likely be destroyed in the process, so there is no purpose in doing that.  It would cost an astronomical amount of money, and there are much more worthwhile projects that could use that money.  In a sense it is a graveyard, so let those who perished on the Titanic rest in peace.

  2. no, it would be way interesting to go diving down and look at the remains. plus coming out of water after being in there for so long might ruin the ship because its being kept in good condition in the water.

  3. It's really not a matter of should it be salvaged it is simply a matter of can't it is way too corroded to raise it would simply fall to pieces. I do believe it should be salvaged piece by piece such as parts of the cargo and the letters in the cargo bay and personnel belonging all should be brought up and conserved  some things like the bath tubs should be sold perhaps even bits of the steel. I don't believe it is a grave any more as the bodies have long ago decomposed so nothing is left of the people just things. if you were still to call it a grave then you couldn't build any thing any where as by now ever where was a grave at some time. so some common sense must prevail and sentimentality must give way to reality the bones are gone no more grave that is just the way of the world.

  4. No to much time and money we don't need the Titanic so why go and get it? Lets spend our money on something useful

  5. NO. Its agrave site. Not only that but its not in one piece. Impossible!!!

  6. No, if I want to raise it, it cannot happen now, the wreck was in danger of collapsing, because bacterias eat the iron in the steel.

  7. i think if they pulled it up it would fall apart, its got to be nothing but rust by now.

  8. No, because the moving of it could damage it further.

    Even if they do recover it, all its contents would have rotted away, i would think that very little could be learned in its condition.


    What would they do with it?

    Where would they put it?

    What would they do with it after the research on it is finshed.

    I would have to say that it would be almost impossible to retrieve it in one piece-or two, be that as it may, i think it is best left where it is, for those who survived the titanic or family of those who did/didn't sur ive, it would bring back terrible memories.

    The last thing i will say it...


    Hope this helps.

  9. we always learn something from geology, We dig up old bones from pyramids....what's the difference

  10. Would you dig up a grave yard...

  11. There is basically NO really compelling reason to raise her from the grave there?Logic says no.

  12. nope spend the money on something more helpful to humanity.

  13. I think we should, because we need the rare mineral, byzanium, which is deep within it's hull to further our military weapons advancement!

  14. No, I think it should be kept under the water. It happened a long time ago, we know how it happened, what's the point in digging up the past?

  15. You should have put this question in hypothetical format. The facts are this..First, when Titanic hit the bottom of the ocean, the bow was traveling at approximately 65 mph. The bow section is buried almost 45 feet in mud. Ever get your boot stuck in mud? Just picture that. Secondly, the Titanic is in two sections, the bow being in the best shape, although it split at the expansion joints when it hit bottom. The stern hit so hard, it blew it nearly to pieces. Thirdly, after being at the bottom of the ocean for nearly 96 years, the one-inch thick steel plating has been nearly eaten away (only about 1/4 inch remains) by the bacteria that causes the "rusticles", thereby making any salvage effort impossible. Experts believe Titanic will be only a memory within 20 years or so. Now, hypothetically speaking, if it were possible, I would still be against it for the simple fact that the ship is a grave for over 1500 people. Many people, including some survivors, have been dead set against even artifact recovery. However, laws have been set in place that any artifact that is phyiscally attached or ON the ship may not be removed. This came after RMS Titanic Inc began removing objects that were inside and on the ship, which sparks an outrage amongst enthusiasts and survivors alike. Now, had nobody died aboard the liner, I wouldn't have any qualms about raising it..however..had nobody died, we wouldn't even know she existed like we do now.

  16. Uhhh .. sure. Meet me at the bottom of the ocean. i'll help you push it back to sea level ..

  17. No, it should not and cannot be raised. The ship broke apart as she sank. The hull is now in 2 large pieces with 1000's of smaller pieces scattered over the nearly 2000 feet between the larger bow and stern sections. The ship lies in water over 13,000 feet deep.  All hoopla about a grave site aside, the technical difficulty inherent in any such attempt makes it virtually impossible.  So many people have a vision of a near-perfect ship lying on the bottom just waiting to be re-floated and sailed again. The mystique will never go away and she will lie on the bottom of the Atlantic for ever.

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