
Should the united state rely more heavily on coal energy?

by Guest62815  |  earlier

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should the united state rely more heavily on coal energy?




  1. No.  Burning coal produces high CO2 emissions which contributes to global warming.

  2. h**l, no we already got pollution problems...

  3. no because constant CO2 is damaging our atmosphere and the more we emit the more warming takes place, causing stronger hurricanes, more invasive species, less animal diversity, causing excessive droughts in one area and flooding in another,  causing many cities and towns to go under sea level, so we can try alternative fuel like ethanol and hydrogen gas to slow the effects of these disasters.

  4. Absolutely, and oil shale as well.  If we developed these resources properly, we could completely cut our dependence on imported oil and gas.

  5. They already use alot for electricity production but the technology to prevent pollution from coal has come along way. I'd say we should try to find other energy sources to produce electicity. I think we have gone as far as we can with coal.

  6. Absolutly.   Make your electric cars if you want, but you still must make the electric in the first place

  7. if you want to pay to clean it up - your government wont.

    'February 4, 2008 U.S. Cancels Clean Coal Plant

    Government puts the kibosh on plans for so-called FutureGen facility'

    go ahead, what's the worst that can happen?

  8. In the short term, we should increase our use of coal because we have so much available. We also have technology to remove many of the pollutants from the exhaust.

    In the long term, we are better off increasing our use of solar and wind energy. I find it ironic that some environmentalists actually seem opposed to windmills because they are potentially harmful to birds. Not using windmills could be harmful to ALL life forms in the long run.

  9. no, it causes a lot of air pollution

  10. No.   There was a 250 year supply of coal left in the '70's at current useage rates.   Thats been cut to less than 100 years  by now due to higher useage and exporting.   We will run out of coal eventually, and now would be the time to try to find a different power source.

  11. Yes !

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