
Should the united states keep god in everything as in schools money government

by Guest64091  |  earlier

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Should the united states keep god in everything as in schools money government




  1. ?????

  2. Yes, I don't see the harm in it.

  3. LOL... NO.

    It's called a FREE country for a reason and there's a LOT of religions out there that don't believe in the same god.

  4. Our laws, our education system, our constitution, and our government were founded, developed and built upon biblical principals. Without them the basis of our entire civilization would be without moral principals and in chaos.

    "In God We Trust." not only affirms these biblical principals but appeals for His divine help and direction in all our  problems and affairs both public and private. Whether or not "we" keep god in everything or not is irrelevant because everything is His anyway. However, by excluding Him we can only look forward to misfortune, confusion and profoundly more serious problems than we have now.

  5. Yes why not - your country was founded on christian principles and many people became citizens because of the freedoms offered under its constitution.

    Other countries which have a different belief system under which they operate do not want us to change their beliefs - so why should a nation founded on christian principles need to change to suit those who don't like it  

  6. Yes! Why? Well simple, like it or not our nation was founded (mostly) by Christian men (and women) who based our Constitution on the 10 Commandments and believed in God. To deny God is deny our own history and to deny the faith of the majority of the people in the United States, In God we've trusted, and I pray we'll forever continue to do so.  

  7. If you believe in God, you believe he is everywhere, whether you talk about him or not, you do not need to mention him in schools or the courts.

    The United States needs to guard against becoming a church instead of a country.  It is already clear that even though there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state we will never have a president who is not christian.  

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