
Should the us boycott the Olympics due to the recent protests and the oppression of the Tibetan people?

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i feel that human rights superceed any cooperation with china at this time.




  1. We should boycot China in general. Its time we start making American products again and create jobs for Americans since well we really need a boost in our economy again and our outsourcing hasn't really helped anyone but the major corporations.

  2. No.  We should boycott because they are communists.

  3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WE SHOULDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! I don't know why people don't see the reality of China's oppression. They are big bullies and if they're not stopped, they might cause another holocaust..ugh..such an insolent country...the olympics shouldnt have been held there in the first place

  4. China must never be allowed for venue for Olympic at the first place. Tibettan issue is the tip of iceberg. The country is behind iron curtain.. IOC is the one to be blamed.

  5. The US should boycott the Olympics so as to not endanger the lives of Americans who will be competing on equipment made in China.

  6. Why boycott the Olympics? They're not creating genocide, China is. Why not boycott China..

  7. Politicians feel that this isn't a big enough matter to take on at this time.  Remember China owns billions in US loans plus they produce many items for us.  This could cost the USA billions, disrupt the economy and pull the two countries apart.  Quite frankly, I believe that we have never been very close and never will be.  China is very tough and it is their feeling that they can do it without us.  The USA will not tell China what to do and they will stand behind this attitude.

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