
Should the whole world be allowed to vote in the US election?

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I think everyone outside America should be entitled to vote in the US elections because whatever you Americans do effects us in other countries.




  1. Wow. Yeah, really great idea to let the Iranians vote for American president.

    People vote their own interests. Do we really want who India and China think our President should be? This question is actually too stupid to answer, but I'm trying anyway.

  2. NO they should not and this is a dumb *** question!!! Sorry but it is.

  3. If this could be every Muslim on planet vote McCain.

  4. No. The US is a sovereign state. And I, as an Australian, do not belong to that sovereign state. I don't pay taxes, I don't use the services and I am not subject to American domestic policy. I also don't have to fight for the US, or kill or die for the US (although if it came to the crunch, I would).

    However, I do reserve the right to free speech too. So while I can't vote and don't believe I have any right to vote in the US election...I can say what I like about the process, the candidates, the tactics...and lamentably...a lot of the supporters.  

  5. The whole world should so they can share the responsibilities too.  

  6. Send your tax dollars first.

  7. In that case everyone in the US should be allowed to vote in all of your elections as well.  

    In other words, no.  Because like it or not, it doesn't effect you as much as it effects us.   And your governments effect what happens in the US too, it's not just a one way road.   I mean h**l, we're already at risk of being drug into the Russia/Georgia conflict.  We've had to send mountains of aid and troop support to Africa.  We had to bail Yugoslavia out from under Miloskevic and we have to babysit Israel because everyone expects the US to do something when things go wrong for them.

  8. As soon as you start paying taxes here maybe we could talk.

  9. No, but we'd like you to stop referring to the President of the US as "Leader of the Free World"

  10. Are you on drugs???  I couldn't yell h**l NOOOOOOOOOOO loud enough!

  11. We obviously all have a stake in the eventual outcome of this Presidential race as it will shape the course of world politics and economics for the coming years.

    But the USA is a sovereign country and as such has the right ( and duty )

    to make its own choices.

    That also means that we will have to deal with outcomes we may not necessarily like, but we'll have to grin and bear it.

    They have the inalienable right to choose their own destiny, if I denied them that or even slightly changed that I would violate my own perception of what true democracy really means .... and that is unthinkable.

  12. I'm Canadian I would LOVE to vote in the US much more exciting compared to Canadian politics where we don't drag our candidates through the mud like you guys do. If I did, I would vote for Obama with out question.

  13. Not now , not ever ,we escaped England's grip years ago ,to suggest now we endure  more outside influences is against all we stand (stood) for at the beginning of this great nation. As it is, we are buffeted by financial battles and influences that affect the way things happen in the U.S.A.. Social issues , such as gun control , for one , have had some disastrous endings in other countries (Australia , U.K.) I'm going to assume you hail from there. I'll pass on your particular forms of tyranny , thanks anyway.

  14. No

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