
Should the word "god" have a capital "G", since there is no evidence whatever that there is a "god"?

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Many people feel that until there is some evidence, the word should be written as "god"....with the quotation marks.




  1. No it shouldn't.  Until there is evidence of it's existence, the proper way to write the word is:  "god."

  2. GOD should be shouting out in his honor. But because I am here answering this question that is all I will say.  

  3. God is real and has a real name, it begins with a "Y". But I won't tell you what it is. We use "God" as a name to help decrease the amount of people taking God's name in vain.

    There is tons of evidence of God all over, just look for it. I have experienced three life saving miracles that science could never explain. Then there are findings of prof all over. One I like a lot is the finding of Noel's Ark on top of the highest mountain, in Turkey. It was first found by some scientist that climbed the mountain and found it still frozen in place, to the exact measurements as the Bible states.  It thawed several years ago and now you can go to places on the internet and see it from above. The thawing out seems to have disolved the top of it; but the lower part is still there.

    Look and you will find the truth!

  4. What do you mean "No evidence"? There's more evidence that God exists than there is anything. We are alive here today because of God. The world we live in was created by God. There is only 1 God, the Father. One Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Why do people ask for so much "proof"? The Israelites, back in the day, needed proof every minute of the day even though God took care of them-gave them Manna from heaven daily, trying to lead them to the promise land, but they refused to listen to Him and built gods of wood, stone, and gold. To this day the Israelites still are looking for Him even though they had proof in front of their eyes. If it wasn't for God we would all be dead. He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to us. Adam sinned by eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree. This caused death on us. So, there had to be some sacrifice of blood for forgiveness-so they offered up animals of the best kind for sacrifice. God had a plan to give us His Son, Jesus Christ-with no sin, for a permanent sacrifice of our sins. So that we can be forgiven in the sight of God, and that we may have eternal life. Why is this so hard to believe for some? In the beginning was God.......Everything has to have a creator. We just didn't appear from the air. God hand made us in His image. He made everything, and everything was perfect...

  5. He is real....maybe you just don't try to find Him......Find Him and you'll have it......He's waiting for you...

    Or anyway....just TRY to find....why not?

  6. Yes, because it references a being. Personally, I do believe God exists after thinking about it and researching all the possibilities.

    But if the mythical god Zeus never existed, should't we still capitalize it since it is referring to a proper noun or name. Or there are countries and nations that no longer exist, don't they deserve capitalization since it is a territory name.

    So even if God didn't exist (but in my opinion He does), it should still be treated with capitalization since it is referring to a name, and by most standards, names are capitalized.

  7. In English, God, referring to the Judeo-Christian God, is a proper name, so grammatically it is to be capitalized. Zeus is capitalized even though Zeus is not real, and we don't us "quotation marks" either.

  8. I agree.

  9. I spell it GOD, because HE is real, and HE deserves respect.

  10. Tell those "many people" that you speak for that I adore and worship Almighty God and will always capitalize His name out of great respect, awe, and admiration.  God will not be mocked by you or those other "many people."  What so ever a man sews, that will he also reap.  God guarantees it.   I believe in God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son is Jesus the Christ my Lord and Savior.

    Creator of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible.

  11. I frequently use the lower case when typing "god" because I'm to lazy to push the shift key.

  12. It's capitalized because God is a proper noun. It's just good grammar, maybe you should learn some. Evidence of God existing isn't cultural but personal and subjective. It's not a scientific theorem that has to be proven, He is true for you, if He is true for you, He doesn't need to be verified by society.

  13. When speaking about *the* god, the Christian god, it's capitalized because essentially that's his name. Just like you would capitalize Allah or Buddah, etc.  And you can question the evidence that there is one higher power, but putting quotes around the word doesn't signify that there's no proof.  

  14. Semantics, just shut up and live and let live.

  15. I never capitalize the biblical bigot.  But the quotation marks are a waste of time, in my opinion.

  16. The quotation marks are unnecessary unless you are quoting someone, you are using the word in a manner unlike its common definition, or you are referencing the word itself rather than using its meaning (as in your question).  "God" should be capitalized only if it is at the beginning of a sentence, is in a title, or is being used as a proper noun (as with the Christian deity, which is commonly referred to as "God" rather than YHWH).

    Lack of evidence notwithstanding, standard rules of English still apply.

  17. Since I see the word "God" as a name, not necessarily a thing, then I think grammar decides it deserves a capital, whether or not I believe he exists

    I guess it's everyone's perception of the word

  18. GOD is real so GOD should be ALL caps and whats with the quotations on the GOD?

  19. God is not a proper noun.  It's like the word car.  You don't capitalize car, you capitalize Honda.  You capitalize Zeus, not god.  

    But, I don't write the word unicorn with quotes...

  20. yes it should because God exists and because it is a name. Do you capitalize your name? Then please capitalize God's name.

  21. Even if you are an atheists, proper grammar says it is capitalized.

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