
Should the world unite against the United States of America to stop its worldwide aggression?

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We don't have to attack them with Military strength, we can do it through economic strategies like raising the price of oil and messing up their banking system




  1. Sure, then be sure to call us when the Chinese are rolling tanks into your town after the North Koreans nuke your cities.  Maybe the Russians will come to your aid if their military doesn't all desert first.

    Plus, does one action in one country really count as world-wide agression?  Afghanistan was clearly fair game since al-Queda was harbored by the Taliban government.  How many wars has the US started in Europe?  Africa?  Austrailia?  Far East Asia?  

    The other failure of your logic is that raising the price of oil and messing with the US banking system also hurts the rest of the world just as bad if not worse.

  2. I think your ideas are just plain goofy.

  3. all that would happen is that another nation would step up to the plate and be the more dominant one...

    let things occur naturally .

  4. What would happen first is half of Africa and Asia would die from starvation.  You are a complete idiot, aren't you.  Just because those bags of grain say Unicef, you don't really believe they come from the united you ?

    In the USA, we spend more than half of our wealth on leisure and pleasure.  We would not fold with your plan, our lives would just get boring like yours.  We have more oil, coal, shale oil, hydro power than we need.

    I suspect we are just using the Arab's oil until it runs out then we'll use ours.  You do know that we find oil in the USA, drill it and then cap the well and save it, right ?

    Then all the manufacturing plants in Asia would soon close, because although they make the computers, we design them and more importantly we BUY them.

    and so on

  5. America is a printing dollar machine, then its selling that dollars over the world. That base of american "well-being" is simply to knock down. Its enough to declare off the dollar as world reserve currency.

  6. Yeah..and then stop asking for US assistance for everything from political strife to famine while at the same time forgetting what country countered communism for all those decades...

  7. i understand where you are coming from on your seems as if we go into these country's and start telling them how to live and whet to do/ not to do. whet we do need to do is bring bring some of this economy back home to make work for our own country. about every thing a person buys comes from china, or where ever! the military would be more then busy if they just patrolled our boarders.if some of you out there don't like my answer i am sorry,but the U.S. needs to start taking care of the U.S. our government is so corrupt anymore it,s a joke.we need to clean up our own back yard first.

  8. Do you understand world economics. We are all tied together. The US is starting to slump into a recession. Guess what is slowly happening. Other countries are starting to see the effects. Eventually the world will be in a fulll blown recession. And everytime this happens the world goes to war. It's a life cycle.

  9. "Should the world unite against the United States of America to stop its worldwide aggression?" The 'World' can't 'unite' to put a stop the the genocide in Dar-fur or anything else! The 'world' looks the the US to do it and we've made it clear that since those poor people have nothing we want we're quite content to let them die. Why don't this 'world' you speak of take action and lead the way? Could it be that to DO anything requires something more than whining America's worldwide aggression and making vague threats about disrupting the banking system or driving up the price of oil? Actions that would, will and are 'hurting' this 'world' you speak of a lot more than it hurts the US!

  10. Germany has an arrest warrant outstanding for Donald Rumsfeld.

    All of this torture business in Guantanamo is a violation of international law- Section 3 of the Geneva Conventions on Warfare.

    Best move is to file war crime charges against them in The World Court of International Justice in The Hague,Netherlands.

  11. Whatever?You need to just move your butt down there and hope you don`t get killed by a roadside Bomb.At least the US is getting honest troops there instead oh chicken p**p Terrorists that can only fight hiding instead of facing the truth.I don`t get where you think that the US is raising the OIL Prices.You need to catch up with realty.

  12. I think you have it backwards..We are the ones doing all that.I live overseas and i know why America is keeping the oil high.All countries must convert their money into dollars to buy oil.Many countries are suffering from gas,oil,food increases,big time.America will be the first country to recover from the increases.The other developing nations would take some time,which would keep Americans STILL NUMBER ONE.

  13. no that's stupid

  14. No, that will lead to more trouble and start another World War.

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