
Should the young Royals live with their partners rather than marry like common people do?

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Should the young Royals live with their partners rather than marry like common people do?




  1. Why doesn't Justin ask relevant questions on royalty rather then his personal postings that are based on emotion rather then fact ?

  2. They should marry before moving in.........goes for anyone unless your dirt poor and need to help eachother.

  3. No. I don`t think so .. we pay enough for the Royal spongers .. without forking out for their squeezes as well ..

  4. What makes you think that "common people" marry? Increasingly they don't.  A year or so ago a British soldier died on active service, and his girlfriend of about 3 years, the mother of his 2 children, applied a a matter of course for an Army widow's pension and was outraged to be turned down on the grounds that as she had never been his wife she wasn't a widow, and therefore had no claim to a widow's pension.  She challenged this ruling on the grounds that official marriage simply isn't significant any more. (And won, I'm sorry to say.)

  5. Didn't Edward and Sophie do something like this for 5 years before they married? She still held her job during this trial period,so tax payers weren't paying fo her,and Edward held a regular job as well.I remember that their situation raised a few eyebrows,but the courtiers said the pair had their own apartments at Buckingham Palace.

  6. No.  I think they should marry and raise families.

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