
Should there be Peace in YA Cricket? Won't it be boring!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I mean if there is peace there will be no flavor to this section and it will be boring!

as the latin quote goes......

Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant: Where they create desolation, they call it peace

do you think this wil be correct if there is peace in YA Cricket?

do you enjoy having these punch-ups with people from different nationalites and different views? i really enjoy it!!!!

who is the person or contact you get into an argument most and who do you like to argue with?




  1. Let them hate emerald island cricket, near future they would beg for mercy in front of M&M & rejuvenated sri Lankan team

  2. I agree with you. Just like in a cricket match there's nothing wrong with some competetive sledging, it always adds flavour.


    when it goes to far, its not flavour it becomes controvorsy. That's what this section has become, controvorsy.

    People need to relax and stop being so deffensive, people won't see your views at times, so what. Try and convince them to see your point of view. Have fun. You can't have fun if you take all the answers and opinions seriously. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion you can disagree or agree but don't take it out on the user.

    There's a friendly argument but then there's a fight.

  3. Of course there should be peace in Y!A. But im 100% sure that will never happen. We need to respect other users and respect their opinion. But a small handful can never do that and are the ones that cause all the trouble. This stuffs up the whole section!

    If you enjoy people arguing - LOL - it is funny sometimes but most of the time its wrong.

    Luckily i don't really have much arguments with other users but have had some on 1 or 2 occasions!

    Edit: I agree with Mel. A small argument here and there isn't such a big deal. But fighting, abusing, racial vilification etc is going too far. There's a line and we shouldn't step over it.

  4. NAh, machan.

    Let the haters talk & hate on us Lakan supporters thats only due threw jealousy....Don't mind any of the comments in y/a cric section bc, longest we know the history foundation of SL Cricket then, nothing shall bother us.

  5. Don't worry, I heard Wayne Kerr will be back later this week to stir ashish bhatia up a bit more. ;-))

  6. An argument has to sensible,healthy,constructive,


    meaningful dialog between users which

    should benefit both,

    Avoid arguing to force your view,making poor statements,insulting remarks,degrading other teams to support your country and always complaining.

    You users are responsible to make this section as good as you want.

  7. i think people can say what they want .but don't make it a racial thing ,and don't condemn a whole nation just on a few words that people write on here

  8. Okay sometimes picking on each others teams and stuff is cool. It's good to joke and have fun. But bringing polotics, picking on religion and sending people hate emails with abusive language isn't cool. All I'm saying is there is a limit.

  9. There are too many people who want to use this forum as a platform to vent their spleen against all and sundry. So there will never be "peace".

  10. It is not a matter of peace, it is a matter of revolts of opinions, of ideas. Everyone has their own ideas, you can either accept it, or reject it or counter it. but the problem here is, if someone does not like someone else's idea, that person starts abusing the other & subsequently abuses the whole genre/race he/she belongs to.

    Arguments are welcome, as long it is constructive. Conflict of ideas are okay, if anything good comes out of it. It is said, the more arguments you win, the more friends you lose. You should learn to respect others and their ideas, that is the insignia of being cultured, of being educated, of proper breeding. You can have differences with someone's ideas / opinions, but it is not prudent to dislike the owner of the ideas.

    Now, about what you said about 'Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant'

    This situation might create an atmosphere which is devoid of chaos/violence. Do you want to call it peace? Not at all. A story of winner takes all. That is not peace, that is tyranny. Likes of Hitler or Saddam Hussein was not any worse than that.

    Peace is that element, where unlike minds coexist without hurting each others sentiments.

    Do as you would have done by. Or in other words, treat others as how you expect others to treat you.

  11. You're talking about "silence" my firend, "peace" is a bit different thing & when you don't follow peace it eventually has to turn into silence.

    This is a philosophical type question & quite related to my final question in a way so forgive me for answering. It was just fitting to be my final answer :P


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