
Should there be Thursday night games on NFL network?

by  |  earlier

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Or would you rather see most of them on Sunday?




  1. If they have some good games that mean something that's good.But if they put bad teams on Thursdays just to try to get better ratings ,I wont be watching.

  2. I'm not a big fan of it. Less then half the country gets the NFL Network. I'm fine with ESPN getting games, Most of the Country gets cable or satellite and gets ESPN. Well the NFL is in charge of itself though. I mean sure we can go to the bar to watch the games. I'm just saying the NFL shouldn't do it. So if it was my choice then I'd say put them on Sunday, on the other hand this works out ok because one less game on Sunday so slightly more chance I see my team, since I don't live in a primary market of my team.  

  3. Yeah I don't mind something else to watch on the NFL network besides old games and stupid talk shows.

  4. I like it because then you don't have as many times where the two games you want to watch are on at once. I like how they spread out the games.

  5. I don't mind that they have games on Thursday because it gives you more games to watch if you have the NFL network. I think that it is bad for the players though because it shortens their practice week. They should only have games on Thursday when teams come off a bye or something.

  6. i dont mind, its cool

  7. I actually dont mind it.. even though i dont have the NFL network.

    I typically go to a bar, or a friends house where they might have the NFL ticket.

  8. I could watch football 24/7 so I'd say ABSOLUTELY!!!

    Get your popcorn ready!

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