
Should there be a Disney presence in England?

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Should Disney consider opening a park/resort etc in England, it could possibly brighten up the useless expanses of flat land in North Cambridgeshire/Northamptonshire, particularly Lincolnshire. There's miles of unused land south of Skegness, that's only just starting to be built on.




  1. Why do you need to build more on land? I live in the countryside and i'd be heartbroken if someone started building themeparks and buildings on the land. We need less buildings and more green. (I know it's not economically viable but a girl can dream)

  2. No

  3. No, like euro disney it would never be as good as disney orlando :)

  4. No and never i hope disney land should just be kept for America and other places.  Englands countryside doesnt need to be wrecked

  5. No....they already have Disney shops and that's enough....besides you can just hop on a train to Euro Disney anyways....not that it's that popular or anything like the real thing.

  6. They wanted to build Eurodisney in Spain, but opted for Paris instead. That turned out to be a major disaster, and experts say the main reason is that the weather in Paris is so bad all the time, and people don't go to a theme park in bad weather....

    In Spain they would have roughly had the same weather as in Florida and California.

    Based on that experience, I don't think opening a Disney theme park in England would be such a good idea, now, would it....

  7. No way, never. this would be wrong..i may consider emigrating if this happens

  8. yer it once was was going to be built here

    i hope it is we should have one soon

  9. those useless expanses of land are beautiful and are well protected, and should never be built on! and we dont need a disney no, and im pleased that everyone else feels the same :)

  10. We have a Mickey Mouse outfit at Westminster.

    Isn't that enough?

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