
Should there be a YahooAnswers for Dutch speakers?

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Should there be a YahooAnswers for Dutch speakers?




  1. No, it's not nessesary, they can use the one for Germany.

  2. NO.

  3. You can issue it as a suggestion here It's always worth a try, but I wouldn't hold your breath :0)  

    Several people have placed different suggestions and either yahoo staff just ignore it, or you get the standard "Thank you for your suggestion, we will look into it etc etc"

    If you can get enough people voting on it then this could help.

  4. They all speak English better than most of us, maybe they should havetheir own, but thery're certainly not left out in the cold

  5. Sure, you would have to request it from Y/A.

  6. I like the dutch, give them what ever they want.

  7. Why? I'm Dutch and think it's interesting to see other peoples opinions from outside the Netherlands. And it's a great way to practise your English!! If you want to talk Dutch you better go to a Dutch site!

  8. Dat lijkt mij een goed idee.

    By the way, I'm Irish, I just happen to speak Dutch as well as English.

  9. if they do that they would have to do it for all languages.

  10. Yes there should be there is one for a lot of other countries.

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