
Should there be a border wall between the U.S and Mexico?

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My class is doing a debate on whether or not there should be a border wall that divides the two countries, we were wondering what everybody else thought. Why?




  1. my answer is YES. If mexican come to tto the Us the right way it would be different. I just had that they are coming into our country illegal, and When Americans need help, they can't get it. And where are the tax dollars going?  I am all for them coming into our country the right way!

  2. I completed agree with Lori, the first answer. It should be a wall border. Mexicans and any other imigrant should come here legally and pay taxes like any other american citizens.

    We all know Mexico has many problems economically and not jobs for everyone. But they don't understand that been ilegally here might get them some more money but life style will never be the same than in their own country. You won't need to live in fear of been deported and etc...

  3. YES!!! THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY OF THEM IN OUR COUNTRY!!!! SOME OF THEM SAY THAT IT WAS MEXICO BEFORE SO THEY SHOULD HAVE PERMISSION TO STAY HERE, BUT THEY SHOULDN'T. WE BOUGHT THE USA FROM THEM MANY YEARS AGO, ITS OUR COUNTRY!! WHY ARE WE GIVING THEM FREE FOOD, EDUCATION, AND HOUSING???? READ THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT LAWS OF MEXICO!!! and btw, you will probally lose if you think there should be a wall because most of the people in your class are illigals from Mexico who think there shouldn't be. also there already is a wall in some places but people are jumping it.

  4. NO.... Walls never work... Hadrian's wall didn't work... the Great wall of China didn't work... the Berlin Wall didn't work and this latest instanity of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico won't work either.

  5. good question!!!!.... but my answer is no! people deserve changes. no one or no where deserve to be treated like animals. this is a free country....

  6. Unfortunately yes I think there should be. Aparently the US can't keep people from illegally crossing the border now using the resources they have so perhaps a wall would help in this matter. It would make it more difficult for people to come in and out of either country and make security eaiser.

  7. I agree with one of the last answers...... nothing will stop people who want to cross the border ilegally, not even a wall. As they have already mentioned, remember the Berlin wall.... many died trying to cross it, but many still succeeded. If people want to do things, they will regardless of the obstacles. If you do some research you will learn that there were several problems for the people who hired ilegals for field work when bunches of ilegals started being deported, they had no one to do the job and the crops were being lost...... the US needs that workforce whether they want to admit it or not, and this is why they haven't taken REAL measures to stop it. As they said, this is just something they're using to distract people's attention from other issues. The truth is that the US cannot afford to get rid of the ilegal immigrants/workers.

  8. How about a wall to surround all of the U.S.? If they want to "prevent" any body from coming in.Immigration comes for all over the world not just south of the border.

    For those people who said that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes, they should update their files and do some reading, since all of the taxes the government takes away from every paycheck are never claimed and the U.S. government is using that money to pay senior citizens their social security, since they have used that move to cover "more important issues".

    And final, it seems like people who call "American" only people from the U.S., check back on their Geography since America covers South, Central and North America, not only the United states.

  9. That's a very good question.  My gut instinct was to say no, there shouldn't be a boarder.  Then I thought about it for a few minutes and changed my mind.  The economic structure is very bad in Mexico and having no boarder would certainly damage the US economy.  The US, and other countries, must control their boarders to maintain balance in their economies.  To many people coming across what used to be the boarder that are not wage earners and we would turn into a welfare state that, like Rome, would collapse.

    With that said, I must also state that I believe that a more liberal immigration plan is also in order.  I believe both countries could benefit from that.  Controlled and smart immigration would enable good citizens of Mexico to become good citizens of the US.  In doing so there new US citizens would send a percentage of their wages back to Mexico and other family for a hand up.


  10. It is unfortunate that there are so many living in poverty in the country that borders the most powerful nation in the world.  Futhermore the Mexicans are nodoubt major contributors to the U.S. Economy working for less than 1/2 of the minimum wage.

    As such I believe that the United States should move towards the acquisition of Mexico, doubling its size, placing it in a bette possition to compete with a fledging China economy.

  11. From a historical point of view, borders have always been in contention. Walls don't work, and disturb the migration of plants, animals and bird life. Nothing will keep out a worker seeking a better life.


  13. no wall.  a simple line of posts maybe 50 to  100 feet apart marking the border.  i am inclined to make it simple to come and go but with strong identification measures at entry/exit points to id those entering (and exitting) and to track trouble makers (aka criminals). most americans carry id as a matter of course.  i would extent a stronger system to foreign nationals.

  14. A wall is not the answer, does anybody remember the Berlin wall? What about the Great Wall of China?  Neighbor countries should cooperate to improve the quality of life of their respective citizens.  Haven said that we have to realize that we all are citizens of the world.  There is only one earth and we have to learn to share it better. Country borders are artificially created and conveniently enforced.

    The wall it is only a political instrument to divert attention from real issues.  Like the huge terrible government deficit and the irresponsible way the resources are being allocated.  Building the wal does two things.  Creates jobs through government contracts and tries to focus the attention of the people in the illegals.  Has anybody realized that the most majority of the illegals working here do not cross the border walking?  They arrive in planes, cars, buses, boats, etc.  Building and maintaining an efficient wall might only reduce the illegal problem by 5% or less.  Is it worth it?

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