
Should there be a limit for how many children people in the US can have?

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Maybe like two tops for every man and woman.




  1. I don't think so.  I don't want the government anywhere near my reproductive decisions.

  2. Perhaps there should be, because we don't seem to want to control our illegal immigrant situation and some people like to have an unlimited amount of children.

  3. From a purely environmental stand point yes. With over population comes more desertification and deforestation this brings on a weakening ecosystem of oceans and the rest of the planet because we are using ever increasing resources to meet ever increasing needs for fuel and food. All land and water that is the underpinning of health  becomes used up in an attempt to feed, shelter and fuel ourselves.  This weakening of natural resources creates an intensity of climate change and more vulnerability to disease, natural disasters etc. Culminating in a loss of an ecosystem and destruction of human life.

    From a social standpoint, because of dwinding resources tension within countries and between nations becomes strained to the point of war. Notice how the dying back of the permafrost in the circumpolar region is reheating a cold war with Russia. It is because there are fisheries and oil resources there that every nation would like to secure for itself.

    by the way, Georgia is a strategic resource for us also, intensifing this contention. Just one example of many that can be broken down in to problems stemming from over population.

    BTW when Anthropologists talk about war, they speak about it as a  population control function of culture.

  4. there isnt but it should be five  

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