
Should there be a limit for the amount of abortions a person can have?Is it ever okay to get an abortion?

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I know a young woman who was having alot of unprotected s*x and got pregnant. She then decided to have an abortion for whatever reason. About a year later the young woman was pregnant again and received another abortion.2 yrs later she had another abortion. Do you think that there should be a limit on how many abortions a woman can receive or should it not be? My other question is why do some women continue to have unprotected s*x and kill these innocent babies? Why not change their behavior and habits so that they won't be in this predicament again?




  1. This situation proves that there are at least some women who are using abortion as a primary means of birth control.  This is just plain irresponsible.  Pro-Choice people throw that word choice around a lot.

    Well, here's one for you, what about making a CHOICE to make every effort not to get pregnant if  you would rather not be.  There's all kinds of birth control available.  So what is it - people are too stupid and / or lazy or both to use it.

    And whatever happened to safer s*x?  You women are out of your mucking finds if you have unsafe s*x!  How many more people have to DIE before you get it.  AIDS kills!  There's no cure for Herpes either.  And what about the general epidemic of STD's.

    For the most part, there is no need for anyone to have an abortion if she and her partner were behaving responsibly.  Period.  

    If men and women cannot have s*x without carelessly engendering life only to destroy it, then they shouldn't be having s*x at all.  And if they are that h**l bent on not having kids - well then get yourself snipped.  

    I think Mother Teresa said it best: "It is a very great poverty indeed that a child must die so that you can live as you wish."  

  2. No need.  There's nothing to suggest that significant numbers of women are routinely using abortions as birth control.

    If you know this person well enough to know all of her personal business, why don't you talk to her about her actions?  Doesn't that make more sense than changing state or national laws?

  3. I am a firm believer in a woman's right to chose. However, there are risks to multiple abortions, including infertility and risk of miscarriage in pregnancy (see link).

    I am much more concerned about the dangers to the woman's health if she continues to have unprotected s*x unless it is with a single partner. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are the scourge of our society and on the increase.  

  4. I believe in the women’s right to choose.  If the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or causes grave physical harm to the mother, then I believe the woman has a right to choose if she has an abortion or not.


    If you don't want to become pregnant, don't have s*x.  Abortion is not birth control and is not for convenience sake, it is murder.

    Abortion is not just about the women’s body but that of the child as well.  The woman is giving permission for the child’s body to be torn apart and removed forcefully from the uterus and it is legal.  The partial birth abortion was every part of the child being born except for the head which was forcefully held inside the birth canal as the doctor jammed scissors into the back of the skull and use a vacuum to remove the brain. Does any of this sound painful to you?

    Why is it legally murder only after the child has been born?  A child is a child, before and after it has been born.

  5. How is this woman's behavior any of your responsibility? Are you related? May I point out that it is not your body? Will you pay to have her tubes tied?

    I had a woman tell me that when she was in the waiting room for her abortion [her IUD was embedded in  the skull of the fetus] the woman beside her said, "I had an IUD baby; I had a condom baby, and this is a pill baby. What am I supposed to do?"

  6. I worked with a man that wanted a son. So each time his wife got pregnant & found out the s*x was a girl, she had an abortion. She had 6 abortions before having her son.  The entire office people of all faiths got together & prayed for them. The person chosing to go talk to her was a Budis.

    I am Pro-Life and believe that abortion is always wrong. Murder is murder and last time I checked murder was already illegal.  As a friend maybe you can pray for her as we did.

  7. Maybe after a couple they should sterilize her, she better watch out for diseases also they're worse now than ever

  8. Dang whats her deal well as long as her got the money its fine but she might mess up her body doin that

  9. There should be no limit.  Where or not it is okay to get an abortion is a personal decision.  As a male, I will never be in a circumstance where I will need to consider getting an abortion for myself.

    Abortion should not be outlawed, it is up to the individual to decide.

  10. well this is my opinion... i think if one has more than one abortion the clinics who do this shoud also but one of those IUD things so that they avoid an additional abortion... it is not only sad but harmful to ones body and the poor child who did not ask this girl to open her legs and not use protection...

  11. I think it is a touchy subject when you start putting limits like that. What if the limit was one and a woman made a mistake and had one and then later was raped. I could never have an abortion but I have a lot of family support. I could never tell another woman what she can and can not do with her own body. Also who decides the limit, male judges? Should a woman have to be judged by a court every time she has to have one? I think that many people abuse abortion and the reason it was established. It is for emergencies not birth control. I still do not understand why some people would rather spend that much money and be in psychological and physical pain then just take a pill everyday. IDK. I just believe strongly that every woman should have the right to choose. I heard a story once of a 14 year old girl whose dad knocked her up and because she was Catholic her mother kept the baby and said it was hers. Could you imagine waking up everyday and seeing the proof that your daddy raped you and having to call them brother? I couldn't. I also do not know what I would do if I found out my sister was my mom and my grandpa was my daddy. For every person who abuses the system there are those who deserve to live their lives, why should they be denied. Also off point it isn't quite a baby, I love this argument. It is a parasite that feeds off its host. I know that sounds super cold but lets call it what it is. No one is saying killing innocent babies is ok.  All in all I am just saying every situation is different so try not to judge.

    P.S. Did you think about the prospect of back yard abortions, if a woman wants one she may go against the law and get one and end up killing herself in the process. Not to mention what would you do with all the unwanted babies? Everyone says put them up for adoption but did you consider the expense of supporting that amout of children? America alone would be bankrupt, I couldn't imagine places like China, I mean if it was global. just sayin

  12. Any limit to the number of abortions available to a woman would be as unconstitutional as an outright ban of abortions.  Though it may be deplorable that some women use abortion as a form of post-coital contraception, it is nonetheless legally permissible.

  13. Abortion in my mind is HORRIBLE! inless you were raped you have no icuse to kill that baby for your mistake! ts your mistake or surprise deal with it and take it seruis! dont go along killin that baby he or she wasent the one who had un  portected s*x .... or what ever your story is!  

  14. of coarse it is never ok to abort.

  15. Every time a woman decides to have an abortion, she does harm to her own body. We could start to show these girls what a abortion really does do to them. A lot of young people these days don't know/ weren't explained what can happen with unsafe s*x also. But in the end,  a person can only decide for themselves what to do!

  16. Abortion should be outlawed period.  The only reason it's legal is "women's right to choose" - well, the woman made her choice when she had s*x.

  17. I mean, if abortion is legal then it's legal.  It doesn't matter how many times it happens.  Also, if she's had one and thinks nothing of it to have another then that's her choice...I mean she has already done it once. It should be up to the individual.

  18. I think all abortions should be illegal for what ever reason.

  19. to be honest i don't think abortion are acceptable, has its an actual human being inside you and your killing them before the actually even get the chance to live, in what ever reason you have to give up a baby, is certainly not a genuine excuse, if you don't want it at least put it up for adoption.

  20. Honesty i dont believing in killing babies i believe that if you lay on your back you would end up having babies but why would you want her to have it she might not even beable to take care of the baby and then the baby ends up going to foster care and goes to alot  

  21. Nope. I've had 3. Its my body and I can choose what I do with it. I don't think other people should be able to tell me what to do with my body. Be it politicians or anyone else.

  22. well, you are all over the place.

    she may have had multiple abortions. the limit is plain - one per pregnancy while the mother is alive.

    by law, it is a medical decision between her and her doctor.

    if you don't want one, don't have one. don't worry so much about people who exercise their rights under the law.

    oh yeah, one other thing, until and unless she actually gives birth as opposed to spends time pregnant, there is no baby to kill in the eyes of the law.

    in the eyes of your religion, maybe so, but your religion is not the law. in fact, by the 1st amendment, your religion can NEVER be the law.

    no one objects to you having whatever beliefs you want, as long as your actions don't infringe on the rights of others.

    others can and always will be able to have an abortion each time they get pregnant, and while you don't have to like that, there is not really anything you can do about it except learn to live with it.

    i am not an expert on your religion anyway, but can you explain the "innocent" part, now that we have debunked the "baby" part?

    I thought, and I could be wrong on this, that by your religion (which by way of full disclosure is not my religion) that Original Sin was attached somehow to all humans long before birth, and that in some religious sense, no one is "Innocent" at all?

    Or do you mean innocent in some other sense, perhaps legal?

    because there is no real concept of innocence in our legal system, only guilty and not guilty, and it doesn't really sound right to say the fetus is "not guilty", and it doesn't really seem to me that "innocent" in a religious sense applies either.

    so what do you mean by that exactly anyway?

    thank you for your thoughtful reply, by email please.

  23. No it isn't ever okay to get an abortion. I feel that if your pregnant your baby has a spirit and you should never kill a spirit on purpose. That's like murder.

  24. This is going to get me some down thumbs but I don't care.

    This is my opinion:

    Abortion is MURDER.  It should be outlawed.

    If it isn't outlawed I think after the first abortion the boy AND girl need to be taken to the Dr to "get fixed".

    There are so many people in the world who would love to become parents and they physically are unable to get pregnant.  But those in the world who don't want children can get pregnant left and right.  It's not fair and I feel so sorry for those innocent, sweet, precious babies.  

    If girls don't want their baby then they should give him/her up for adoption instead of KILLING them.

  25. I thought there was a limit?? There has to be.

    Otherwise all the little tarts will be using it as a method of contraception....... it's wrong to use it like that.

    I think sometimes it is appropriate and the best option, sometimes there is no other choice but having like 3 or 4 in a row is ridiculous and abusing the 'service'

  26. no there shouldn't be/

  27. abortions should be outlawed and after a woman has one she should be forcibly sterilized.

  28. birthcontrol

  29. i am against abortion. i think that there should be a law against abortions, PERIOD. but in reality, its the persons choice. to many abortions can lead to serious health side affects and in the future,  they will have a hard time concieving.  people just have no common sence.  if they are not ready to have a baby, GET ON BIRTH CONTROL, or use condoms. thats all i gota say on that

  30. Of course it is up to the individual. As to whether or not it should be outlawed, let me ask the following questions:

    1) If abortion is outlawed, who takes responsibility for the babies that get abandoned?

    2) For people who 'can't have babies', why are there still so many kids in the foster care system?

    3) Why is the woman always the 'tart' for getting pregnant? Why isn't the man who didn't use contraception not similarly named? Last I checked, a woman can't get pregnant on her own (and a woman who is artificially inseminated is not likely to abort).  

  31. no there shouldn't be and yes it is okay to have an abortion...

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