
Should there be a limit on the number of abortions a women can have?

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I know there's women who make a mistake and have an abotion or who are raped or their health is at risk but we also hear about lots of women who are on there sixth or seventh abortion. Should't we have a limit or steralize these women.




  1. Yes.  If they haven't learned from their mistake, then they are not fit to be a parent - so sterilization is the way to go!

  2. They have to live with it. Although it does cause long term damage.  But if these people are sooooo DUMB that they are having to do this repeatedly-we don't want their offspring running around!

  3. If you have too many abortions you can eventually damage your reproduction system beyond repair and no longer be able to bear children, which would mean they won't be needing any more abortions.  So in that way, abortion is self limiting on its own.  And no, you or anyone else has absolutely no right to sterilize or limit any woman because they do something that is not in line with your beliefs.

  4. Seems like after the third one they should just sew it closed.

  5.     i think that there should be no abortions, you can consider adoption. do you want to see what an abortion really is? check this out

  6. Abortion should be illegal unless the woman can prove rape.  

  7. good point, but then the people/states who approve abortions will be loosing money off the people that get it done 6 or 7 times... this life is all about $ my friend... unfortunately that's what it all boils down to...  I mean look at the poor people in the country of Georgia who are being killed by the Russians over an oil pipe line...  $$$$$

  8. Hey there,

    this is a controversial subject and i guess everyone has a right to an opinion right?

    Aside from the things you have stated i.e. rape cases and health risks etc etc etc.

    I can't imagine the whole procedure being nice the first time around never mind having to go through it as much as 7 times.  

    I feel any one woman who is having sooo much abortions is very careless and probably needs to opt for sterilization or abstinence. Make use of the varies contraceptions widely available (well in the UK that is).

    I know there are a few cultures and religions out there that don't practice using contraception for whatever reason and i suppose that is there freedom of choice but when it comes to ending another life doesn't seem very fair.

    At the same time i guess if the option of having numerous abortions were not available then woman would be forced to go underground or down the back streets which could indeed be more fatal.  

  9. You would like someone would learn after their first mistake.

    I have heard if you get too many abortions, you may steralize yourself fromso much damage to your body.After all, it isn't a natural function of a healthy body.

  10. i have the best solution's

    ladies cross your legs

    guys keep your zippers up

    stop hopping in bed, by now we should all know what will happen RIGHT. i mean with all these knowledge's and information's from MEDIA, schools, churches and blah blah still most of us are so freaking selfish that for

    5 or t0 mints of o****m we sacrifice another lets see how should we call it human being.

    guess is totally selfish thing that most of us have done or keep doing it.

    now on the cases of rape still the one who does not have any voice is the UN born child.

  11. i don't think abortion should even be an option. honestly, i think if you play, you pay.  

  12. yes i believe there should be a limit & i think no one should be able to get a abortion only if there is some bad risk for the baby or mother..or being raped...only under certain circumstances

  13. why should it matter to you what those women do?  if you're against abortion, just dont get one for yourself, but who gave you the right to determain what any other person should be allowed to do with their body?

  14. It's an upside down world so it is.

    Those who love children and want them and those that systematically abort baby's instead of using condoms.

  15. That's a good question. I'll argue both sides of the point.

    I don't believe that abortion should be a way of birth control, like to have unprotected s*x just because she can get an abortion if she gets pregnant. I don't think an abortion is right if it's just because of someone's carelessness. I do believe in abortion as a choice for a woman, and if she gets raped/has health issues.

    However, the government shouldn't really interfere with a woman and her body like that. I believe that it's the woman's choice to get an abortion whenever she chooses and such. It's just a personal decision of mine that I wouldn't get one unless I really needed to (like I couldn't take care of the baby, etc.).

  16. No. The world is overpopulated already.

  17. Aborting is Wrong PERIOD!  

  18. i do agree i think there should. i don't think we should reward women who repeatedly get pregnant because they are too irresponsible to make their man put on a condom. i know i would never want to have the baby of a rape but these women who have five or six abortions should be made to have their tubes tied.

  19. How would one track this?  Sure you *could* but would it work? No, it wouldn't.  You can lie about it.

  20. Well, in the end it's their choice but I only find abortion acceptable in the case of rape, accidental conception or if the pregnancy is the result of abusive s*x. outside of that, the baby should be born and put up for adoption in it's best interest. Women who have the choice to get pregnant should not have the choice to kill what they bring into the world and are clearly responsible for, but women who were not given the choice of pregnancy should be able to opt out of going through the entire phase. I can imagine that carrying a baby who was forced on you could ruin you emotionally, it would be a physical reminder of what had happened every day of those 9 months.

    And as far as limiting abortion on women who chose to get pregnant I don't think it would be justified to limit them - think about it, if you killed over 6 babies you would have to have serious guilt.. that's punishment enough if you ask me.. Now if they had mentally related problems maybe a limit could be justly enforced but that's a whole other area of discussion.

    GREAT QUESTION! And I want to say one last thing, EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion, and above I have stated mine.

  21. Yep,,, sterilize em  - if they are too stupid to take a pill, or to consort with idiots who wont wear a raincoat

  22. definitely, 0. i don't no why they even legalized this. whats the difference between killing a person and killing a fetus,  its the same thing. if you can lay their and get it then you can take care of the responsibilities. and for rape victims that child did not get to choose who their father would be so don't deny them the the right to life. if you really don't want a child then give it up for adoption, but don't kill it for your selfish needs.  

  23. Yes there should be a limit on abortion.

    Abortion is NOT a form of B/C   and I would limit it between 1 and 2  no more as I consider Abortion murder.

  24. Where are these women? I've not heard of them. So unless you can provide a reliable, VERIFIABLE source for your claim, then I'm calling BS.

    This kind of "question" is nothing but a thinly disguised attempt to force pro-life fundamentalist right wing values down people's throats and to call for an end to safe, legal abortion...not to mention trying to control a woman's sexuality by inducing guilt and fear of judgment.

    I wonder why don't you talk about setting the limit on MEN who impregnate women and spread their seed indiscriminately? I know of men who have had multiple children by multiple women...some of those men are famous!Maybe those "mack daddies" should be forced to have a vasectomy after they father more than three children sans marriage????


    MOST women who undergo abortions don't advertise the fact. It would defeat the whole purpose of doing it, wouldn't it? They generally don't want anyone to know they were pregnant. So whether they have one or 10, they're more than likely aren't going to tell anyone because they KNOW they'll be censured and judged for it.

  25. there should be a limit on the dumb answears you can get from asking a dumb question!~!!!! lmao!!!!  

  26. Where do you draw the line that it's ok for them to have one or two, but aren't allowed to have 6? Granted I agree that woman have the right to choose, but 6 IS overexcessive and showing a major lack of responsibility. But the reality is, if they are allowed to have one, then they'r allowed to have 10.

    It is still their freedom and their choice, and just because we don't agree with the number doesn't change the fact that it's a procedure that some woman will abuse.

    This happens in all categories of all things of life. there will always be somebody who abuses the system.

    Personally I am pro choice, and no I don't agree with women who use it excessively. They need to grow up and buy some birth control.  

  27. what on earth are they doing that they are stupid enough to get knocked up more than once?!?!?! good god, if they are so foolish to not be more careful after the first time...they are obviously making a concious choice not to care about the health concerns, they can make the choice to stop or become sterilized.  there shouldn't be a limit.  

  28. Yes, having too many puts the childholder at risks for many things, there should definitely be a limit.

  29. I am a CMA

    YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know a girl in her 20's that was on her 7th and every time she came into the clinic she had complications from them.. If they are being abused like in this case YES YES YES they should be sterilized..

    Someone said how would you track this..

    Through an ID System or Medical Cards.

  30. If a woman has had that many it could pose a serious risk to her health! At any rate, there are better things in the world to worry about, like people who are already born! Look at the environment, the economy, war, etc. By comparison I don't think some stupid chick killing her unborn fetus really affects us on a global scale.

    Frankly it's not my problem. I don't like abortion so I don't do it and never have! Just like I don't like fur and I don't wear it! I don't go throwing red paint on women in fur coats nor to I go blabbing to them about how many animals it took to make the coat. She knows it's bad, if she gave a $hit she would wear something else!

    Same with abortion. If you put a limit on it, women will just do it anyway illegally and create crime, health hazards etc. Women who have had 7 abortions clearly don't care about their health, neither should you! You should thank them. There are now seven less stupid people on the earth! Consider it natural selection!

  31. I'm sorry

    but please reread you're question, multiple times if need, until you realize how idiotic it is.

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