
Should there be a "Radio Contest" sub-category to "Radio?"?

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I rarely ask questions - too busy answering them. And I never delve into the trivia and "code" questions. But I just discovered this whole subculture of radio trivia people. Would you guys prefer a separate area of YA for yourselves. For those who haven't glomed onto this, check out for a sample - then poke around. I had no idea you guys were out there in this parallel radio world:;_ylt=AiGywtYIILJjjmXH43mVODPty6IX;_ylv=3?show=3Mze3PVxaa&link=question&more=y

- a guy named duh




  1. I think right now there isn't enough of the radio contest players to warrant a sub-culture in yahoo's eyes. But with their numbers growing, I think we will possibly see one one day.

    However most don't realize how far the internet goes sometimes and asking about WUSN (in Chicago) is being seen around the world and usually the people answering can be from anywheres and you won't know it.

    The song of the day in my area is Rascall Flatts- Life is a highway.. but it's for concernt tickets to see them a few hundred miles away.... guess what though, that song isn't the one that will win the contest in chicago as the words, songs and etc are selected usually by the PD of the station for the contest... so unless you have people willing to share from Chicago or something, usually people are putting what ever to get the points, as there are many point gamers here on Y!A.. I have seen them actually select themselves best answer to get up in numbers in a category even if the answer is garbage....

    Before you accept the answer, you may want to find out first if it's true or not....

  2. that is not a bad idea, but Radio is a wide range....

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