
Should there be an Obama free zone, where normal people can discus political issues without being attacked ???

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Life without Braq will be so refreshing, after the election.




  1. if you can give then you can take. suck it up and stop being such a pussycat.

  2. What normal people would that be? Those whiny little ***** conservatives who can dish it out, but can't take it on the chin for the Old Soldier?

    I'm sorry you feel so threatened by other people's differing opinion. Here: A plane ticket for you--so you can escape to a country that doesn't allow the freedom of speech or dissent.

    I hear either Iran or China is nice this time of year. :0)

  3. You mean a zone where you and your Republican buddies can perpetuate your twisted reality without the truth interfering don't you.

    Are y'all so disorganized that you can't even handle getting a meeting together?

    Geeze. It is really amazing that after eight years we still even have a country.

  4. I think your a obama supporter because only a obama supporter would try to stifle free speech by separating people into different groups. and creating areas where some people wouldn't be able to go. nice try, buddy/

  5. Democrats are all for freedom of speech as long it is in agreement with them.  Global Warming myth - Drilling does not produce oil - Just be sweet to those darn dictators and they will love us back - and so on.

  6. With a candidate like B. Hussein bin biden, I can understand why they'd be so sensitive.

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