
Should there be an age limit in the Olympics?

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So with the controversy involving the Chinese gymnasts that are supposedly too underage, many are saying that the age limit should be done away with all together. Their philosophy is that if you're good enough to compete, who cares how old you are? What do you think?




  1. Yes I agree of the abuse towards the young athlets should be stopped but besides that sure y not.  

  2. well, I think that if your really good, who cares how old you are. but i think that you shouldn't be too young , like a 8 year old in gymnastics for example/  

  3. I always believe if you are good enough then you are old enough if you have an age limit it would be a nightmare quite  difficult  to enforce  they would just doctor the birth certificates

  4. I think that the age limit rule should stay.

  5. They put the age limits in to stop abuse on young athletes. If we can trust countries  to not abuse young athletes then sure why not.

  6. If there was no age limit, then there should be different competitions for each age. A 14-year old against a 16-year old in Gymnastics is not fair. But I like the age limit. No one under 16 years should be trained so hard.

    If the Chinese hadn't even done anything to start controversy, then there would still be an age limit, like there's supposed to be.

  7. No, your country should send the best that they have regardless of age!

  8. i think anyone should be able to compete

  9. The age limit is to protect the mental and physical health of young people. It should definitely remain in place. Training at world class level as an underdeveloped youth can cause irreversible damage.  

  10. Age limit = Age discrimination

  11. i think there should be! they used to have 12 year old kids working out for like 12 hours a day for the olympics. I dont think they should be soooo over anal about it, but still, you can never be too careful.  

  12. yes because i don't think younger gymnast should compete older one because the younger ones have more energy also the older gymnast have more experiences

  13. In my opinion the age limit is necessary.  The reason for this is to protect the athletes themselves.  Some countries already force children as young as 5 into training centers for sports.  If the age limits were eliminated, what would stop these countries from pushing the athletes harder and harder so that they can compete earlier and earlier (because certain attributes of younger athletes give them an advantage in events like gymnastics and diving).  That kind of pressure and intense training would be extremely harmful to children that young.  It would just be cruel.

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