
Should there be any restriction on how women wear sarees?

by Guest62999  |  earlier

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Should women be allowed to wear sarees and other clothes the way they want? I mean some conservatives frown upon backless blouse or saree worn below navel etc. Is that disapproval justified? Or is it something women wear because they feel comfortable about it and it's completely their own choice? Saree worn above navel is very uncomfortable and looks awkward, the conservatives don't take such things into consideration. Should a woman allowed to wear a sleeveless blouse or transparent saree if that looks good on her and she wants to look good?

Does anyone tell men whether to wear pants above or below navel?




  1. Dear there is no restrictions for both men and women about cloths, but it depends upon the appearance. So verify yourself and were saree

  2. Simple answer to your question would be - If you can carry if off, you can wear it.

  3. i would love to see as low as possible., beauty is to be seen and not to touch.

    wear whatever you feel comfortable and live for yourself

    well in pants i prefer girls wearing shorts... ooooooo. i am geting hotttttttttttttttt

  4. see Archana,

    the thing is saree is considered to be the oldest form of wear in India..the salwar kamiz came with moghuls forcing everyone for that.. You can wear saree the way you like it.. it could be backless or strapfree!

    In urban parties and social events u can wear it the way u want it.. as long as you are comfortable... bt the way men see it..the moment they get a sneak of a cleavage..they'll fall for it n the other women will disapprove it with frowns n jealousy..

    and then u gotta see that old people grew up with a mindset that clothes are ment for covering your body..but with fashion high on demand the designers made it somehting to show your body too and proved them wrong!!

    Now if a roadside romeo whistles at you when ur backless then what can u do abt it.. the same way the urban (full of sophistication and lust) will try n touch ur back if its backless... and i am sure not all women will be comfortable with that ...

    But yes saree is one of the most decent and sexiest of them all if worn in a proper way with some nice colors and material...:)

  5. The question is why are you letting them influence you?

    Are you going to your grandfather's and you want to dress in a manner he would prefer? Or are you in your own home and still worried about what others think? Are you working somewhere that has a dress code? All these might have different answers.

    If something hurts, or is uncomfortable, than don't follow those rules. Other things may depend on the situation. If the conservatives say anything, let them wear it that way.

    Maybe you could wear something very different one day, so the next when you wear the saree again, any way you wear it just makes them happy you are wearing it. .

    Generally just do what is good for you. If someone else likes something a different way, let them wear it themselves. :)

    Good luck

  6. Hi there,

    This is a very interesting question.  Sarees have been worn for centuries in India and the correct way of wearing one (in the traditional sense) is below the navel.  In the more olden days, Indians did not have the "Victorian English" mentality of equating some skin exposure to sexualizing it.  

    In the current days, it depends on where you are going to wear your saree.  If you are going to wear your saree at work, showing your may be inappropriate. In this case, you may find it better to wear it above the navel, or keep it covered with your pallu.

    But in other areas, like at the marketplace and parks and walking on the roads, you can generally show the navel, if you can pull the look off and also look classy doing it.  Its allabout class and if you have the body to show your navel, you can show it.  Now, ofcourse, men will try to see the navel but I think that would only be more sensual for the woman.  There's nothing wrong in them seeing.  A saree can be a s**y attire.  Are you comfortable with them seeing you?  There is nothing wrong in generally seeing if there is no untoward action....women also see men.

    Transparent sarees, sleeveless blouses, backless blouses etc may be bettwe suited for parties or functions where others also dress that way.

  7. I wouldn't wear revealing saris around my elders, because it feels weird having them look at your body.

    I don't know how old you are, but I think it's okay to wear the more revealing saris when everybody is of the same age, it's a fancy party, etc.

    Transparent saris and sleeveless blouses are normal here.

  8. everyone should have freedom of whatever he/she wants to do.

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