
Should there be laws against men who have long hair?

by  |  earlier

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Except for those with medical and religious reasons.

Studies have shown that girls prefer men with short hair. They look really horrible and feminine with long hair.




  1. lol, of course not

    1. some guys can pull it off and look really good, and then most of the girls in your study wouldn't complain

    2. some girls prefer long hair on a guy, "studies" are just a generalisation and you're opinion is just that... yours

    3. it doesn't really matter what girls prefer, most guys probably prefer girls in low tops, doesn't mean they should have to wear them. similarly lots of guys say they don't care about make up, shoes, etc but girls still wear them, because they want to and that's all that really matters.

    finally, i'm sure studies have shown that most guys prefer long hair on girls, but that isn't going to make me grow my hair out, i love it really short, i'm feminine enough and i've never had any guy complain about how i look.

    and yes i know this is far to long an answer for a silly question

  2. medical reasons? haha. yeah, long hair is creepy!

  3. lol

  4. No Cause i like men with long-ish hair and ppl will say it religous even if there not it pretty easy to get round

    it also stifles free will

    it like saying woman arent allowed to have shoet hair as it to mascalling

  5. What the load of bullshit

    i absolutely hate men with short hair, especially when its all shaved. its disgusting. they might as well be bald

    I like boys with longish hair. Like girls hair, you can sytle it and that makes it more interesting and not borind and shaved and eew.

    men can save their tiny head stubble for when they're beginning to go bald.

  6. ahh ahh AHHBullshit!!..I love hair long beautiful hair there is nothing like a handful of Manley hair during a intimate moment(err so I've been told)

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