
Should there be laws against people who are not feminists?

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Does anyone agree?

Isn't it sad that in today's open minded world, feminism still has a long way to go?




  1. isnt it sad that since you are a feminist you wish to take away the right from those who wish to not be feminists?

    and here i was thinking..feminism was about choice..

    my my how sad.

  2. There should be a law against feminism.

  3. No. There should be laws against feminism.

  4. We need laws against feminism.

  5. How can the world be both open minded, and at the same time have laws against people who do not subscribe to feminist beliefs? How do you reconcile these two conflicting ideas?

  6. some feminists suck

  7. does have along way to go; being that you're having an awful hard time grasping at a few concepts; one of which is never force people to believe in your concepts; unless, of course, you want to become that which you so claim to fight; tell does the word oppression ring a bell?

    Besides; I already belong to the human race; you should try it sometime; it's a blast.

    Tis so sad that YOUR world is not open minded.

  8. Do you mean that the USA should have a Thought Police Force to make people adopt feminist ideas?  We already have laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of s*x.  But if you want laws outlawing or punishing people who do not embrace feminism, or racism for that  matter, you are out of luck.

  9. There is already a law, VAWA.

  10. And you're just a paragon of tolerance, aren't you? I'm a feminist, but I believe that nobody should legislate opinion.

  11. Peeps at the elder radicals/, no wait stand still, no wait care, no wait be selfish, no wait be yourself, no wait be truthful express,  nope back turned!  

    No.  You don't have the ability to make people pay for choosing to be a radical feminist..they will leave, not change for the worse, or maybe not feel the need to speak at all, maybe so manipulative tactics are like unpeaceful spite.  They leave even if they decide to talk to you while they are talking to you aka see right thru you plus reason and so don't feel like paying.  It's no secret and they don't care if you portrait yourself as a false victim or see yourself as all powerful.  Those that don't leave physically still aren't there if they become nothing but your reflection, doesn't matter man or woman healthy don't put up with those who do this.  People aren't scapegoats and can set boundaries if crossed, oh well there is always the weather or some other person I guess but doing the same and expecting different results?  Some people choose to get along and others leave due to chaos.   I am the daughter of two radical feminists mothers and related to many others.  Does this have to do with me being a tradionalist today?  No, it's a fact I was born after many of them but not all and so have been knowledgable of this for some time now obviously way before marriage.  I see what they do to males bad enough also and when coming after two of my sons...wrong move.  This has happened to my step-sons and daughter and also big mistake.  My mistake was to only see my father and husband as causing all the problems and maybe so because I am a female, I don't do it so men are causing this.  That was me doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  People don't have the ability  to mess with a parent who is teaching her children that they are responsible for their actions for more prophet and negative attention while yelling, being dishonest, calm posturing manipulation tactics or telling others to bad deeds to get away with it so obtaining assistance while posturing as an angel.  I'm not noting that you are doing these things but take it as a warning not to go there or PAF!'s your choice really but I do not advise it and that is that.   Feminism has gone way too far according to my family history.  

    Rolls eyes to your comment on "open minds" moreso a wish that people don't belong with open minds.  I won't suggest to you to continue that altho I could and become part of something I won't.

  12. Just because you aren't a feminist doesn't mean that you are against women. It seems ever since feminism existed most women are less happy with their lives than ever. It seems like it can sometimes create a lot of conflict between men and women.

  13. No. The focus needs to be on laws that promote  gender equity, and protect children, minorities, the poor and disabled. The thing to remember is that only the minds and hearts of good people can be won over. That is you can convince someone who might not think being a police officer is a good job for a woman, because of her strength  or the danger, that there are some woman qualified for the job. Somebody who doesn't want a woman in authority is unlikely to be persuaded.

  14. If there were laws against people who were not feminists, then I would be happy to go to jail. Considering how ruthless feminazis could be when given an inch, I would even be happy to be executed if it ever came to that.

  15. The feminist movement changed the way society on the whole thought about women, and did great things, ensuring there is now an equality between genders.

    These days, there is absolutely, and protected by law, an equality between men and women, in most civilized societies. In countries such as Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA, NZ, etc, the feminist movement has already done what it needed to do.

    Feminism is still needed to move the minds of many people, and of many countries where women are still not yet seen as equals.

    The notion that any human being is either inferior or superior relating to their gender only, is primitive and abhorrent.

    I believe the essence of feminism has been lost in some aspects of western culture some ways, with some circles preaching gender superiority, rather than gender equality, as it once did.

    There should be no laws which apply to one group of people because of their systems of belief, whether this applies to their belief in, for or against feminism. Likewise, there should not be a law against all people who are or are not Christian. There are laws though which prevent people from persecuting others who don't share their own beliefs. This is a basic right, to have your own beliefs.

    All people are equal. This is the point that feminism helped make, and women all over the world couldn't have said it better.

    Feminism does indeed have a long way to go. There are so many minds in many countries where even law prevents women from being able to do and believe in simple things.

    In most modern western societies, feminism has already made the point, and we all indeed did listen loud and clear, changing the way we all did see women forever, and empowering them to take their rightful places as equals, in all aspects of society, and protecting those rights with laws, punishable by imprisonment in some countries.

    Not everyone in the world yet is open minded. It's a big place, with many sheltered and ignorant societies. The change will happen though, as it did in almost all western society.

    Equality between gender, race and creed, without presuppositions of superiority. This is on the cards for us all.

  16. And exactly how is fascism open minded? Because when you put laws against people that don't think like you you are a fascist.


    Your asking for laws that force people to support your beliefs.

    I'm pretty sure theres a bunch of papers that a bunch of guys in wigs drew up a long time ago that says they can't do that.

    I think there should be laws against idiots like you.

  18. in many cases feminists are bigots without the smarts to look at gender politics objectively.

    your question is a shining example.

  19. Correct me if I am wrong, but you want all people to be feminists?

    No way, I would refuse to submit to either that label, or any tests that would be necessary to ascertain that I were truly feminist.  I am under no obligation to support feminism, or any other social movement, rather I have the right to choose.  If feminism falls short of your expectations, then look to yourself and those like you.  You cannot sanction support for your movement, and certainly not by outlawing opposing views.

    Feminism is like any other paradigm, people can adopt it or not, according to their own right to choose.

  20. Whats keeping you down now. What strides do you feel you need to make. You have equal rights to everything. What is there now?

  21. ur soooo friggin retarded i can't even explain it..there is a littlte something called RIGHTS.

  22. No, it's stupid to make a law forcing people to believe something.

  23. It's also sad when young people think they are being sophisticated and promoting a more "open minded world" by proposing thought crimes.

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