
Should there be mandatory imprisonment for people who light bushfires? (Debate affirmative team)?

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Do you know any arguments I could use. Im debating next week. Please could you help me? Thanks heaps




  1. The laws are already there.  It is up to the DA and Judges to set the sentance.

    A mandatory imprisionment could be a bad thing.  Case in point:  Man was hurt and lost, started a fire to signal for help.  Fire got away from him.  Should the man go to prision for trying to save his life?  When you place the word mandatory it means just that, no if's or what's or but's.

  2. I think there needs to be limits.  If it is a 5' patch of grass or 10,000 acres, my decision would be weighted on the damage that was caused.   If it was small, caused no damage to life, home, environment I would heavily fine it.   And it would progress from there.

  3. Absolutely. The loss of homes, vehicles, landscape, native wildlife (both flora and fauna), the emotional distress experienced by people who suffer loss (life, home, possessions) and the financial hardship faced by families and communities. There is no doubt that arson should be punishable by prison sentence. A fine does nothing. The perpetrator will probably use the receipt to start the next fire.

  4. Most definitely so!  If my pubes were not shaven, as they are now, and someone lit my bush on fire, I would want to see justice done!!  That would HURT!!!!

  5. I think the level of the damage should determine one's fate.  Brushfires can detroy alot of property and forrest land.  A sentence should be dtermined solely on the damage the fire caused.  Were homes and lives involved?  If yes then a sentence should be determined for imprisonment.  If the damage was not anywhere near a populated area and did not cost millions of dollars to repair then maybe probation would suffice.


  6. Mandatory Minimum Sentences are a very bad idea. The only thing they end up doing is doling out harsh sentences for minor crimes. To say that all people who start brushfires for any reason (accidental or not) should serve this mandatory sentence is too black and white. Our justice system is supposed to be more just than that.

  7. I think that if anyone or any personal property (houses) are damaged that the penalty should go up with each account of damage.  Would someone be punished for going to the local courthouse and lighting a brushfire on the lawn...YES!!  There is no difference in my opinion.

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