
Should there be policies to protect groundwater?

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a project for school about water privatization and this is one of the questions. It's about this documentary about water privatization, and it showed this village's well in India getting pumped, manufactured, and bottled by some company ( I think it was Coca Cola) . The price of water skyrocketed to more than the cost of milk, and the people were outraged. Please help me out and tell me some of your ideas and opions so I will be able to use them.




  1. first u need 2 know about location and water table depletion if both r o.k., eg. location is on some land away from culivation or villagers have sold the lands affected or say water table is least affectd then it's more than beneficial, off course 1 could ask for some participative employment but that is a different issue after all such a sophisticated plant ould also help them provaly they already get some help;

    else the company may b charged legally 4 depriving these villagers their right 4 safe drinking water and farming water but i think that is a distant option in that case public action and role of media would be essential. off course taation and or compensation by money or otherwise could b sought else they coulssupport and cr4eate a forum and sell to some entreprise which would npot let coke profit besides i dont think coke would create a pump that would run dry! so all needs to be created is a wisdom among the villagers about the benefits lik health employment and profits they would b naturally making with help of big brother------ some oncepts of participative development would make things smoother firrst of all a school sponsored that would spread light against all self impsed communists who distort the theory for popular vote, so a good progess should not b curbed even if a bit force needs to be used for it! off course years after the story could turn different but remember htat these peopke would get a better chance to defend themselves then, though cok would b a socially strong demiurge then..............

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