Ok, as a dual Math/Chemistry or Physics major I am excited about some of the potential for research. My mom is going to watch my little darling while I go back to school (CAN'T WAIT). Also, I really miss my husband while he serves his country and hope that focusing on my classes will fill that empty feeling that seems to grow by the day. I love my sweetheart (the baby not my husband lol lol, actually both lol) but the emptiness is still there. Ok, there was a former slave after the US Civil War in 1865 who went to a university and earned a degree in Chemistry. His name was George Washington Carver. Dr/Mr. Carver focused his research efforts on developing new uses for Peanuts which was a big economic crop in his area. Is this being done for animal fat? I personally eat a low fat diet, and read the labels of packaged foods. I will not eat most cheese and nor drink milk. I want all my red meat to be cooked very well (it has to look black and chewy befor I'll eat it lol)