
Should they adopt?

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They have a 13 yr old daugter and 2 sons (11 and 8) they have room time and money for another chil but they are 49 and 50 but are still very healthy with no critical illnesses in the family. They would want to adopt a baby/todeler and they live in the UK and are considering adopting from a different country in need like China or Russia. Is this the right thing to do.




  1. kinda old

  2. it seems to me that that would be between the adoption agency and them...why are you so nosy about it?

  3. I think it would be a good idea, But whatever God has planned will happen

  4. If they have the love to give, and the resources to take care of a child then why not. age really should not matter when it comes to loving a child.

  5. I think if they want to they should.

  6. They won't have any luck in China.  There are age restrictions, with good reason.

    They are past middle-aged, and really do not have the energy it takes to raise young adopted children.

  7. as an adoptee...i say dont adopt. they have too many young children already and at their age they wouldnt be able to handle the pshycological problems that come along with being adopted.

  8. Im not trying to be rude or criticise the age but 49 & 50 is a little old to be having a new baby. think when that child is going to be 10 they will he 59 and 60. do you really think that at that age they can be active parets with this child? playing sports and all that. probubly not. I think they are amazing for wanted to adopt a child and help ( as i was adopted) but maybe let someone else younger adopt the child.

  9. If they can give the child a good home it should be ok.  I also understand that because of their age they will not be around much after the child turns 25.  So they probably wont be there to see grandchildren etc.  That part saddens me, but it will probably be a better childhood for the child. You never know what happens with these children if they are not adopted. Are they just thrown around from foster family to foster family, or in some countries stuck in an orphanage?

  10. Yes, why not! You say they have room, time, money and love to give, so why not share it with someone who may never be able to get that! The biggest thing is to talk to their children and include them in the process, see what they all think.

  11. NO. even though they have no health issues now, it doesn't mean they won't later.  When a baby turns 10 they will be in their 60's.  That is no life for a 10 year old who wants to be active and on the move all the time and they want to settle down in life.  When that kid goes to graduate highschool the parents will be pushing their 70's when everyone else has parents in their 40's or 50's.   I just think they need to focus on raising their children they do have and realize that their time in life has passed for bringing another infant home and into the mix for them.

  12. almost no one should adopt.

  13. I cant beieve you need to ask, they are too old to have kids on there own, so they are too old to adopt.

  14. Yes they should adopt, but I dont think they should adopt a baby. They should adopt a child in line with the children they have - they are 8-13, so maybe a 5-6 yr old. This would mean that they could adopt from China, if they decided to go the "special needs route" - children aged over 3 are considered special needs. You can be up to 55 to adopt one of these children.

    Its not like they are THAT old. If they died at 75, they still have another 25 years to go!

  15. That isn't up to me to decide.

  16. An older child from the hundreds in foster care would be a more realistic

    What child wants to lose a set of parents, get another set of parents only to lose them too early in their lives also.  Not a good idea to adopt a baby at that age, it's not fair on the child to lose more parents than necessary

  17. I would not adopt at that age. Do foster care, but please don't adopt that old. It makes it tough for the kid.

  18. Adoption with the right people is NEVER wrong, BUT why do they have adopt for Russia or China. I really HATE folks who have the money to be 'exotic' and go to foreign countries. I bet you there are thousands of ENGLISH children right their in the UK, who need homes. Why Russia or China? Is it to show off their latest 'buy' or because its so vogue for folks with money to buy children from 3rd world countries.

    I hate when I see it done in the UK, except w/ Angleina and Brad; they bring much needed attention, publicity, to ravaged war torn areas, is this couple in the media limelight that they can raise consciousness? IF not, THEN WHY another country. I see why stars do it; they are sending a global message; a white woman, black daughter; wow, powerful, but WHAT is your friend trying to prove????

    I think it's great to adopt, I'm adopted! BUT...I'm just not thrilled about the China  and Russia thing! BUT hay, they probably have money to burn so why not go abroad, its a cooler story over dinner and the kid will bring them loads of attention in the supermarket, so what the heck!!!! I would only agree IF they are from RUSSIAN or CHINESE heritage and they want to adopt one of their own, then that's different. I know that love is love, but I'm just unsure why they can't adopt in the UK.
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