
Should they change the horoscopes section to the 'astrology section'?

by  |  earlier

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because we don't talk about horoscopes alone. actually, we don't really at all..maybe about 15% of questions ask what their horoscopes will be.

wut do you personally think, and what is your sun/moon/rising?




  1. I like your avatar, but your name even more!!^^

    Um...i think it's fine the way it is. Even if people made one of those things about them, i doubt much attention would be paid to them!

    And i'm a Taurus with a Virgo moon and Leo Ascendant/Rising.

  2. Definitely!  I am not in to horoscopes but love learning about astrology (obviously)!!!  Then maybe they could take it out of the entertainment section too (which is where horoscopes belong but not astrology)

    Great usual!


    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant: Gemini

  3. Yes! They should!

    Astrology and horoscope are different...and you're right, we don't really talk about horoscopes that often. It should be in Science or something.

    And while they're at it, they should make a "psychics" section or something so we don't have to deal with all the psychic questions. :P (like they would really do that. xD)

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  4. Excellent point - I noticed that when I got here (newbie)

    An Astrology a better idea, in addition to the psychic section comment too ;)  

  5. I think they should. Who do we notify?

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.


    I just found that we can reach them here:

    Now about what exactly to say... Let's wait for Queenie.

  6. I think it should be moved over to an entirely new section that Yahoo makes up.

    Social interactions.

    They could have like a friendship, dating, Astrology, Business, Children (only for forming relationships with people), and stuff like that.

    The others are too general to get specific answers.

  7. Oh Definitely. We hardly talk about how our day matched up with that silly little newspaper section.

    We discuss the real stuff. This isn't really horoscopes, its deeper than that.

    Ooo. I've actually thought about this before ; )

    I'm a Virgo sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  8. I totally agree that this section should be changed to the astrology section. It is unfortunate that although part of society only looks at the surface of astrology judging one aspect, which the media is to blame as they only advertise part of astrology being the sun sign as the outline of horoscopes. As a whole  which makes society just see it as a sense of entertainment as it is delivered as a generally overview as those born under that particular sun signs will experience the same thing or having have the same traits.

    I think this hugely impacts on the remarks and view points people have, as a result this is why in this section which the media only outlines horoscopes to be about sun signs...people do not take us who have examined in depth serious or astrology serious.

    Astrology has a deeper meaning and emphasis than just horoscopes, and I know many of us are trying to make changes. But i guess we can only do our best.

    Im a sag (sun) w/ leo (moon) w/ cancer (rising) ;-P

    Great question Shady ;-).

  9. Sure:)

    As soon as people start asking astrology questions again, I think that would be a great idea:-D Let me know when that happens, okay?

    Oh, and alwaysmoving4ward has a point, the science section is a bad idea. There's no point in making ourselves more accessible to the chainlightnings of Y!A.

  10. there are a lot of sections and categories in Y!A that I would love to see added, changed and even then it would probably only make sense to me and best suit though, I think they should leave the 'Horoscopes' alone...let all the ones who search for psychics and so on stay here...just add an astrology section! That would be really nice wouldn't it?! Would be a lot easier to avoid some of the psychic questions wouldn't it....

    Not that I am trying to say anything bad about them...I am sure that there may be a medium or psychic who could help them (   ;)   )

    I have even been known to answer a few myself .... very rarely try to stick with the ones that don't specifically ask for a psychic but rather someone who may be 'sensitive' makes it fair game right?! LOL!

    Seriously - it would be nice if Astrology had it's own section! I agree!

    EDIT** i don't know if I would want it categorized under the science section though...we get enough rude comments from others how there is no REAL proof - blah blah - I think categorizing it in science would only fuel that flame!

    Maybe a different category (definitely not entertainment)....hmmm...I have a few ideas but would rather not say just yet...hmmmm...?!

  11. Shady hon, this is astrology . Where do you see the daily horoscope here ? Am I missing something. You mean to change the name or sumthing to Astrology. That would be nice but you would still get the nerdz here one way or another. You cannot make this section serious I think.

    edit....LOL let's vote for a name change Hon

  12. I believe there had been discussions about this in the Y/A forum before, but still nothing until now.

    horoscopes are for entertainment really, which this section is categorized, entertainment section. wouldnt it be great if it were in the sciences section

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