
Should they expand the MLB Playoff system from 4 teams to 6?

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Every year, MLB teams miss the playoffs by a couple games. I've always wondered, 'why in basketball do they play only 80-ish games in a season, yet half the league makes the playoffs? And in football, they play 16 weeks, and six teams from each conference make the playoffs.

In baseball, the teams play almost every single day. Shouldn't more teams be rewarded for their hard work? I know it would be breaking tradition to change the playoff system but what would you think of it if they did?




  1. No. Enough mediocre teams are rewarded with postseason berths under the current format.

  2. No, no, NO!  We're already coming close to seeing some sub-.500 teams getting into the playoffs.  That, and I've seen some games that didn't sell out their tickets in early playoff rounds, even when only four teams get in from each league!  I specifically remember some early-round games in Atlanta that had many empty seats.  That, and do we really want to see the season ending in late November?  Baseball isn't a good game in extreme cold.

    Leave it the way it is; they've already changed enough.  The prestige of a division championship has already been decreased enough.  I don't want to see baseball played the way hockey and basketball are played, where the seasons are played mainly to determine playoff seeding.  It's as if the season doesn't really start until the playoffs.  In baseball, the races of August and September are so great the way they are.

  3. You make a great point, however, with a 162 game regular season, it will never happen. And in the United States, no other sport is more held to tradition. Up until 30 years ago, you had two teams, the winner of the National League, and the winner of the American League. No divisions, no wild cards, etc...etc..........I think your idea has merit, but in baseball, probably wont happen.  

  4. Yes,  they should 6 teams, and one team from each leauge gets homefield advantage.  

  5. I could go for that because in the original playoff system there wasn't 32 teams.  

  6. no it should be 8

  7. There are all ready 8 teams who make the playoffs. I wouldn't want to reduce the number of regular season games because I'm more interested in the games my team plays than playoff games that don't involve my team and my team RARELy (hate that box that pops up on the right) makes the playoffs.  

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