
Should they have invited Obama to speak at the RNC to fill the seats?

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Should they have invited Obama to speak at the RNC to fill the seats?




  1. The silent majority doesn't need grand stand presentations to win.  Wait until Nov. 5th and see.

  2. Are you friggin' kidding me?  Did you not notice a hurricane?  

    I'm watching today and the seats look full to me.

  3. Yea and to keep people awake.  Do you notice all the yawning.

  4. Come on, when you have gifted speakers like G.W. Bush and Jseph Lieberman (wooohooo!!!) who doesn't get excited by that?

  5. Maybe they should have promised high price hookers and/or fresh young boy booty.

  6. No because we already ran short of time due to respect for events in our country and there would be no way to fit in a COMEDY ACT!  Have a great day!

  7. Certainly seems like it.  There are PLENTY of empty seats there tonight.

  8. It might liven things up a bit =>

  9. lol talk about an echo and crickets chirping in the background

  10. Only Odrama would pay people to come to his conventions. McCain don't have to do that.. McCain 's people don't have to rant and rave a bunch of hog wash to fool

  11. Probably, though everyone would probably **** their pants anyways at the sight of a black speaker at the RNC.

  12. Not really, most of the participants at the RNC have a curfew at their retirement homes.

  13. i guess the republicans dont have their priorities in order...

    i cant believe they would leave seats unfilled

  14. Maybe they should have offered free beer and a rock concert.

    Worked for the Messiah.

  15. Lord, and there's such a bare-bones stage as well. Poor Republicans.

  16. No democrats in their right minds would ever go to a convention were BUSH is supporting.

    I don't understand this country, from BAD to BAD.

    No change?

    PSH. OBAMA 08

  17. The RNC should have invited Bob Packwood to speak since they are so desperate for the women vote. Desperate like Packwood

  18. His writers of his speaches are on a break!

  19. h**l don't want everybody puking ??

    The seats are can't be so clueless to know that everybody is there during the keynote speakers. Now when others speak, they wander more...JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION.

    No we wouldn't want Barack Usama speaking at the RNC.

  20. Any fewer delegates showing up and the Repukes won't have a quorum to pass their platform.

  21. *shakes head*  I've explained this twice to the same question asked twice.  You guys still don't get it.  It's a difference in voting base and to a certian extent, the hurricane.  That is it.  You can try to play up the "OMG, they aren't popular!" thing if you want, but it doesn't jive with reality.  The Democrat voting base is full of people who are going to be more likely to show up for thier rock show students...other younger people...etc.  The Republican voting base isn't going to be as attracted to such things.  It's not that they don't's that they are all at home or working.  

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