
Should they have kids?

by Guest33650  |  earlier

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do you think people that are mentally disabled should be able to have children??




  1. Well it depends on what you mean by mentally disabled. There are many different kinds of disability so i'd say if they are capable of looking after thenselves without help then they will be as capable as any of us to look after a child!

  2. Depends on what you mean by mentally disabled......people with learning disabilities are sometimes considered in the mentally disabled group and I see no problem in them having children but for severe cases where they really don't even function at all no they shouldn't have children just because there is no way they can care for them as they don't even function on an adult level themselves.  So like I said depends on what you mean by mentally disabled.

  3. It depends on the severity of the disability. Some people only have a mild case of it that can be over come. But others there's no way.

  4. Nope. It's not that we're judging them. It's just, they're disabled and not able to think correctly. It depends on how mentally disabled they are. If they're not capable of any information, they shouldn't have children. A child should be put in the hands of someone aware and mentally stable.

  5. NOOO!!! they arnt just ruining more lives!! they should adopt children so that the mental illness stops with them. then that way we would eventualy ween out disabilitys :)

  6. well I think that everyone has a right to children...just as long as they are able to take care of the children properly...

    Also if they are able to live life normally besides their disability...of course it would be harder for them but if they are willing to and really want some then they should go for it...

    And also many people in the world who have no disabilities treat children so badly that its sickenning...Children need love...and they probably have the most love to Give!

  7. I think all kids about  16 should be tested in school. to see if they are capable of raising a child correctly.  If not, then they should be sterilized.  Enough  pedophiles and abused kids,  murdered by parents kids out there.  Remember the mother who drowned all 5 of hers, and the mother who shoved her car in the river and let her 2 sons drown?  tons of others.  If testing could prevent this..then it absolutely should be done.  Why not.

    People are so much more concerned that dogs don't have unnecessary  litters than they are people having a ton of kids they can't and don't know how to take care of.  Weird

  8. It really depends on the severity of the disability.  If they know how to take care of the child and support the child, then I see no reason why they should be stopped.  There are different levels of mentally disabled.

  9. Mentally disabled?

    If they are able to work and support themselves and are able to give their children the neccessities of life - yes.

    If it's no to the above then DEFINITELY A NO

  10. no

  11. For all the obvious reasons I'd have to say no.


  13. no i don't think they should.  There was a woman here whose daughter was severly mentally and physically handicapped.  Also she shrieked & writhed in agony at the very slightest pain.  So the mother aranged for the girl to have a hysterectomy so that she would stop feeling period pains.  A lot of people said what she did was completely wrong, barabric, selfishly motivated and that she'd removed the right of the daughter to experience part of womanhood.  I believe what she did was a kindness  - the girl would never have s*x, so why have period pains?  While I don't believe mentally disabled people should be forced to have their repoductive organs removed, I think it's unbelievable that our society would fight for their rights to reproduce and go to the extremes they did in this case for them. We're not n**i's - if a child's development is not inhibited by the parents illness, fine, but if they are deficient and incapable as parents, they should not be having children.
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