
Should they have let Casey Anthony out of Jail?

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Casey Anthony enjoys her first day as a free woman. The once jailed walked out of jail yesterday.

But she is not completely free. She is being monitored, including wearing an ankle bracelet to track her movement.

She may not be in the slammer tonight, but the now released mother is still the only person of interest in her daughter Caylee's disappearance. she sleeping in the bed that herself & Caylee shared i would think that would be hard for a mother to do if she really does not know where her baby girl is. I think she knows, what do you think?




  1. He*l no. She did it. I'm not positive but if she did she's a %^*).

  2. Casey Anthony only cares about has been this way her entire spoiled,self centered life!

    her getting out of jail is a joke,she is not going to tell any one anything!!

    she probably told her mom enough for her to know that she is guilty of something awful.but as usual her mom is lying and covering up for Casey and pretending to believe that Caylee may be alive some where!!

    if that was true why isn't anyone searching for Caylee after all her mom knows exactly where her body was left.

    she could at least fess up so the kid can be buried properly and this case closed!

    her family has excused every awful thing she has ever done why would you expect that they suddenly would want her to be punished for doing anything???

    even killing her own daughter and mutilating and destroying her little corpse?she never should have gotten out of jail and whom ever her accomplice is they should be right there with her.

    all should hang from the gallows of the malls that Casey loved more than her own child!

  3. She definitely knows and she should be put back in jail.

  4. I think the grandparents think that Caylee is alive because they are in denial of their daughter's psychological issues.  Casey has to face everyone now that she is out of jail.  She is forced to see Caylee's clothes, toys, pictures, she has to face her parents and her brother.  She has caused a lot of trouble for her family.  I wouldn't be surprised if Casey's parents divorce after this is resolved.  She can not leave the house to go party now.  Nowhere to run, no where to hide.  Everyone knows about her lies.  I just wonder how much longer.   Yes, she knows.  

  5. i have been thinking about  this. my first thought was if i were in jail and someone got me out and i was as guilty a she obviously is i would do what ever and say what ever not to go doesn't take a genius to see that this woman did something with her child. at first i thought maybe she traded the girl for drugs, like a past due debt. but now it seems that maybe the little girl was killed and disposed of. casey anthony hs figured out that as long as she does not admit to harming or killing her daughter she will get off with a lesser charge. i cannot understand how her parents would allow her back into their house unless they are fully aware of what happened to the little girl.they enabled their pathological liar of a daughter to possibly have charges bought up against them. if they know what happened to the little girl they should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.

  6. If i had it my way and people actually listened, id let her rot in jail. Shes a sick sick person.

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