
Should they have sent her home?

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my friend is having a baby.. she is haveing a c section and it's scheduled for the 8th of sept. She almost went into early labor several times and had to be on medicaiton to prevent that for the past few weeks.. they told her that after a certain point they wouldnt stop it. So the other night she was having contractions they were really close i dont remember is she said 5 mins or 10 mins but she went to the hospital...but the doctor on call(who was at their house) said to give her more meds to stop the contractions and send her you think the dr just didnt want to get out of bed unless someones water had broke? (they know the meds that slow/stop contractiosn make her sick and it's "safe" for the baby to be born




  1. I completely believe that to be true. With my second child, the doctor was at home, and told the nurse to give me some meds to help me sleep (I was induced at 7am and it was 8:30 pm and no baby) It put me into active labor immediately and I had to stop pushing until he got there, that was the worst pain ever. Try holding a watermelon in your crotch that wants to come out. Also with my last pregnancy (3 total), I was also induced and had labor pains all day and he didn't do a ER c-section until 6 am the next morning. I was in pain and not making any progress for 20 hours!!!!!

  2. They should have taken it out right then. This is why I hate HMO's.

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