
Should this adopted girl be allowed to stay with her biological family?

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There is this family who I met and now know.They have a teenage daughter who they see once in a while,however she was put up for adoption after their second child who is severly mentally disabled and has been that way since birth,and needs round clock care.There is a year difference between the firstborn daughter and the second born son,so they gave her up around a year old or so.They went on and had 2 more kids after that.So they have four children but the girl does not live with them,just visits once and a while.

The family is very cute and always seems happy,and in the brief amount of time I spent with the girl,she was very nice and very sweet as well.

However,she went to the same school as her biological siblings and her adoptive parents are some what of good friends with her real parents,but her biological father wants her to live with her biological family,would he be allowed to take her back?




  1. It sounds like this all took place some time ago.  Once the biological parents give up their rights they have no recourse unless the adoptive parents are willing to give her up.  Otherwise it would be a huge court battle; that's probably not the best thing for the child.

    I think if the girl is happy with her adoptive parents and they are providing proper care for her the biological father should leave well enough alone.  It's only going to cause trauma to the child.  It sounds as though they have a good relationship and he should be greatful for that and accept the consequences of his earlier actions.

  2. No he shouldn't. He made his choice when he gave her up.

  3. the biological family shouldnt be allowed to get their daughter back since the family already gave her away it wouldnt be right to the other family unless the adopted parents agree to the exchange

  4. depending on how old she is and if she is willing to go back, if she is at an age where she understands whats going on she should decide but it may not be easy considering the circumstances. but it all depends on if a judge rules in favor of the biological parents. it's a process. . .

  5. If he wants her back he would have to talk to the other family, (adoptive) and ask, but if he gave her up for adoption, he can't just take her back, it would take a lot of time and paperwork, and the girl has to want to be with them, she might like her adoptive family,and her adoptive parents might want to keep her, because they adopted her.

  6. The only way she could go and live permanently with her biological parents would be for her adoptive parents to sign their rights away and then her biological parents would have to legally adopt her.  They placed her up for adoption when she was a year old and she is now a teenager so most likely at least 10 years ago.  There would have been a window they could have gotten her back but not over a decade later.  Assuming the BParents and Parents were friends or least friendly I don’t see why there could  be a bit more contact but her going back to live with them is not going to happen unless again her Parents are willing to give her up which I doubt is the case.

  7. Thats silly to ask a bunch of strangers such a question. If it really bugs you ask them. Its a very difficult process of having to place a child for adoption and they are really never forgotten. Perhaps the bio family feels more comfortable getting in contact with her now that she is older.

    However, the bio family has NO LEGAL RIGHTS TO HER. They gave those up in the adoption process and all of this contact should be done with the adoptive parents consent.  If for some reasons the adoptive family wanted to give her back (highly unlikely but we are in the what if state) they would have to go through an adoptive process with the biofamily.

    Just because they are the same gene pool does not mean that they have any rights to her.

  8. She is a teenager, and therefore old enough to understand what is going on, and what she wants. Why not speak to her and ask her what she thinks - after all, she is the most important person in all this.

  9. Not legally.  Why ruin a friendship and cause problems for the daughter.  It is nice that they had an open adoption.  I definitely wouldn't rock that boat.  She is their daughter biologically but they put her up for adoption and she is legally someone else's child.  

    Trying to get her back now would cause nothing but sorrow, pain and a whole lot of money (that would be wasted).  Keep the relationships the way they are and keep the can of worms closed.  Once it is opened, that is something you can never fix.

  10. I think those are the most horrible parents ever.  Why would they  give their child up just because one was sick?   And they have the nerve to to have more kids and not put them up for adoption?  I would be so angry at my biological parents if they did that!! How could they give up a sweet little innocent girl?

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