
Should this be a joint .......

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should this be a joint decision for first child's names me and my partner both have different opinions about our child's name i like unsual and unque and my partner likes simple everyday names

please help




  1. I think naming a child should be a joint decision.  Certainly there has to be one name out there that you both like, right?

  2. y dont u 2 make a list of names that each of u like and then share the list and if u like one that ur partner has or ur partner likes one that u have, settle on that

  3. Well you have to compromise and I'm sure you will both find one you both like eventually.

  4. It should be a joint decision.  However, if you simply cannot agree, one of you can choose the first name and the other can choose the middle name.  If it's a girl, the first name can be chosen by the mom and if it's a boy, the first name can be chosen by the dad.

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