
Should this be a reason to give illegals an ID at the least?

by Guest34301  |  earlier

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BLANDING, Utah — The foreigner is buried in a small-town cemetery, against a barbed-wire fence in an unmarked plot set aside for poor people.

He might be Mexican. He might be Guatemalan. But he's simply called No. 8, a man with no name because his identity is still unknown, a year after he was killed in a car wreck with seven other illegal immigrants in southeastern Utah.

More than 2,000 illegal immigrants have died in the Southwest since 2002, and many are nameless in death -- buried as anonymous victims of heat stroke, car crashes or other calamities.

They typically carry no ID, just the clothes on their back and the dream of a life better than the one they left behind.




  1. I would just call that a good start.


    In 2006 we estimated that Utah taxpayers are currently burdened with annual costs of about $244million because of illegal aliens residing in the state. That estimate was based on only expenditures for education, emergency medical care and incarceration. We projected that those costs will rise unless we gain control over our borders and our worksites. If a new amnesty and increases in immigrants and guest workers were enacted, as proposed by business and ethnic advocacy groups, we project that the cost to the state’s taxpayers for those same programs would rise to $414  million per year in 2010 and to $727 million per year in 2020.


  3. No. That's no reason at all.  He carried no id for a reason --- so he couldn't be identified if caught -- probably because he had a criminal past or previous deportation.  

    If illegals want to carry ID they certainly can.  No one is stopping them.  It's sheer and utter stupidity to even suggest that our government should be issuing them some sort of ID.  Ridiculous.

  4. No they should not, illegal is illegal, they should not be breaking the law trying to sneak in here, yes i know what an itin number is, it's given so illegals can claim taxes, which they should not, it is not a form of I.D., if they try to break the law and come here, they know their chances, no pity!!!!

  5. Its their own fault, America can not be held accountable for the bad decisions made by citizens of another country.   The best thing we could do, is keep our boarders secure.  

      Possible get more border patrol, currently we have a voluntary movement called the Minute Men, that have saved the lives of countless illegals entering the country, but there is only so much they can do.

    We need to not give illegals Id's but go after those people that harbor, and employ them. Those that help shield them from the law are just as much of the problem as the illegal aliens.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  6. Only if the ID is given after being arrested for violating federal immigration law. Photograph and finger print to make them easier to capture if they return after deportation.

  7. if they were here legally no one would be faced with that problem.

    to get an id, you have to have a SSN.  to get a SSN, you have to be legal here in the US.

    Edit: regardless of what you think and regardless of any thumb downs, you have to be legal to get any form of ID.  they sure as h**l don't feel sorry for us so why shoud we feel sorry for them?

  8. Uninsured motorist coverage does not solve the problem. My wife was struck by an illegal criminal alien with fake ID, insurance...the whole gamut. Guess who has to pay the deductible!!!! WE DID!!! $500 out of my own pocket. We ALL pay increased premiums because of people driving with no insurance. Nothing is "free".

    If she had been injured or killed, this would have been all on us as well.

    You also mention ITINs. These are NOT intended for illegal criminal aliens. They are intended for those that are qualified to work in our country but do not otherwise qualify for a SS card. Illegal criminal aliens are neither.

    I took the liberty of cutting and pasting the following directly from the IRS link, which I also provided.

    Are ITINs valid for work purposes?

    No. ITINs are for federal income tax purposes only. Getting an ITIN does not change your immigration status or your right to work in the United States.

  9. They typically carry no ID, just the clothes on their back and the dream of a life better than the one they left behind.


    No.  Usually they had a job in their home country which they quit to go for the big bucks.  They don't care that it is illegal, and because the Mexican Government actively tells them they are heroes when they do enter illegally, they just keep trying.  

    And they don't carry identification because they don't want to be deported.  When you are breaking the law, you have to take risks don't you.  

    But the better life seems to include the remarkably large criminal conduct for those folks.  Criminal conduct and accessing welfare.  

    In addition, there are .not. a lot of menial jobs left in this country.  Once they get here and are provided amnesty, they will be eligible for welfare galore and they use it, and will use it, for the rest of our lives.  

    We don't need such workers: we need high tech workers and we need a Human Resources Department that can do more than wiggle their little hands and say.... "Oh dear.. what do we dooooo?"  We need a government that prepares this country for the future by finding out what the country needs in educational processes.  Instead... we get manual typewriter repairmen being clunked out by the dozen in the community colleges.  Obama and McCain want amnesty and more illegals and you know who is going to pay for that.. and always pays for that.

  10. No.   Do you know the can of worms you would open if you gave illegals IDs??????????????

    If they went through the NORMAL and LEGAL process just like the MILLIONS of other immigrants did then they would have IDs correct???

  11. I'm totally against illegal of any kind but some of these answers are just heartless. I don't see why they can't apply for some type of ID that says not valid except for identification purposes. Here's why my neighbor's 15 year old went on a trip with a friends parents and they were all killed. Their daughter laid in a morgue for 3 days unidentified until a family member of the friends called and told them that the girl and her parents had been killed with an unidentifiable person. Well they were devastated. No family needs to wait and wonder if their loved one is ok or dead.  They might be illegal but before that they were someones son, daughter, mom, dad or whatever. Cruel people just cruel some of you SHAME ON YOUR HOUSE!

  12. Regardless of where illegals are from, they need to go.  If they die here with no id just cremate them and dump the ashes. If alive, deport them immediately.

  13. No, it is not  a reason. They should get I.D. cards from their own countries before sneaking into the U.S. We are not responsible for them, in life or in death. They make choices just like the rest of us. Would Mexico give me an I.D. card if I asked for one? Don't think so. Many people have a dream of a life better than the one they have, people from Somali, Vietnam, China, Mexico, etc. but they go through the proper immigration procedures to enter this country.  They get the I.D. cards, not the illegals.

  14. i guess its questions like these that you see the ugly, nasty, heartless people come out. To have such utter disgrace for another human life is beyond me. And that is not America.

  15. I don't guess they would have died if they, oh I don't know, STAYED IN THEIR OWN F-ING COUNTRY.

    I'm sorry, I lost my love for illegals the second time I got hit by an illegal, and then had to go through the motions of trying to get my insurance to pay to fix my car because they didn't have insurance.  Thank you illegals, for making my d**n insurance so high.

  16. Chalk up another heartless answer. I've been hearing these sob stories for over 30 years. The situation only gets worse each year. Worse for them, and worse for us due to the negative habits they bring. The same negative habits that turned their countries, cities, neighborhoods, and schools into messes. Once they ruin it, they follow us; in search of a better life.

    Mexico is not a geographic wasteland. All it needs are the right people to fix it.

    Since most nonwhite latinos ruin the areas they settle in, you could conclude that they have themselves to blame for their situation.

    At least the foreigner was buried. He could've been turned into soylent green.

  17. MAybe have there name tattooed on their arm or backwith some numbers to say who they are.

  18. Yes coz like SOME ppl said they need id so the family knows what happen to them.

  19. Giving illegals ID is a good idea but since they are illegal will they accept it? They may think that it is a sting. I've read a lot of the answers here and I hope that the the people who posted those negative comments are not calling themselves Christians because they sure aren't embracing Christs' love for humanity.

  20. No, this is not a reason to give illegals I.D.s. This is a reason for the illegals NOT to come here unless they are legal. If they are buried in unmarked graves, that is their fault. Illegals simply don't think about these kinds of things when they come here. All they are thinking about is themselves and the fact that they can make money here by working illegally. They don't think about all the problems they cause other people or the fact that they might die without anyone in their family knowing about it because they don't want to do the right thing and become a legal citizen. It is really hard to feel sorry for people who cause their own problems and then whine about it later.

  21. No,that's not a good enough reason. There are no reasons to justify doing so.

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