
Should this girl on my yard being doing this much work with her 3yrold ?

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This girl on my yard has a 14hh 3yrold cob and she rides it most days.She has been doing alot with her like cantering along time and jumping wiv her.and i don't think she has even been turned out for a year to this too much work ? and should she be turned out for a year ?




  1. You have to be very careful with someone elses' pony. How would you feel if anyone sought advice about your horse via this forum?

    The quickest way to offend people is to tell them what you think they should be doing!

    Best advice.....mind your own business before you fall out

  2. I have trained horses for  years and I have never put a person on a horses back untill it was 4 yrs old. I know that Race horses are backed @ 2 and most end up having to retire early from all forms of riding or develop structural probs that limit them.

    My horses begin lunging at 3yrs and are backed at 4 when there muscle and bone structure is well-developed from lunge work and age. The last thing a horse shoulld be doing at 3 yrs is jumping!! Cantering and flatwork that improve flexibility, strength, etc are fine if rested at least 1-2 days a week.

  3. i think it is too much. i think at this age the horse should just be able to walk and maybe trot happily with a rider. the horse may be fully grown in height but it needs to grow in its build aswell as it is a cob it may take longer for it to fill out and i think if shes working the horse like this when he or she isnt fully grown yet then it could cause problems for the horse in future. if your worried about it try talking to her dont tell her to stop as she may start gettin bitchy with you! just explain what you think about it and maybe if she wants to do best for the horse she will listen!

  4. It is a real pity that this girl is working such a young horse this hard especially the jumping.  It could spoil the horse for life with injuries.

  5. the horse is young for jumping, and young horses should not be worked for more than 30 minutes of hard training, with another 30 of cooling out and relaxing.

  6. I agree that she is working that young horse too hard. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. If you say anything you will probably just p**s the girl off.

  7. It totally depends on the breed, I have AQHA 3yr olds that are ridden and trained on a schedule, I dont feel that young horses should be ridden everyday while training, mine horses schedules are developed per each horse and their individual capabilities. I disagree that she should be jumping, but then again I dont have anything to do with jumping. I dont think you have to turn a horse out for a year to mature, Im not sure where you got that idea. You should always keep your horses health in mind when working or training and hopefully she is wrapping and or using protective boots with suspensory  lig support when riding or doing ground work.

  8. I have just backed my 3 year old welsh cob last week and he is doing really well but I would never push such a young horse on so much it will either damage him physically or make him really sour. I intend to do some light hacking this summer then turn him away till next year when I will start to think about flatwork and jumping when I feel he is mature enough.

  9. I think that is far too much for a 3 year old.  She will end up with strains and other problems, phisical and mental.

  10. I agree with you, that even a solid-built filly shouldn't be doing hard work of cantering and jumping almost every day. It is a shame, because her filly may have knee, joint, and other hip/back problems in the future. I think they should be broken to ride at three, but not do hard work (such as racing, jumping, sliding, and barrels) until they are four or five.

  11. it is to much work for the horse

  12. Jumping is a lot of work for a three year old I would never jump a horse until six. Cantering is also a lot of work. I would only be doing walking and some jogging until she was four. I would just voice  your concerns.

  13. What the heck you talking about? speak or write English there is a spell checker or slow down.

  14. yes it is. being worked every day is OK but just a little at a time. their minds are like a three year old kid and they dint pay attention for very long;so you do need to take it for jumping they shouldn't jump the horse until this bones are done growing and is stronger. they should start jumping when the horse is  about 6. i had have personal experience i rescued a 2 yr. old gelding from a man that was jumping 4ft. i had to rebilate him but now he is as happy as he could be

  15. I think this might be too much for a three year old if I am understanding you correctly. I think jumping her at this age is dangerous. She could hurt something or set her up for long term problems. But turning her out for a year. Thats not a requirement for a young horse to grow up. Some people don't have that option. It doesnt hurt a horse to be turned out, but a horse will still mature. I wouldn't say she can't ride this horse just because it hasn't been turned out for a year. Wierd? What big wig trainer is teaching these kids this these days? From carrot sticks, games and now you must turn your horse out for a year before you ride it? Does this rule go towards mustangs that have been wild for years? If I adopt one, do I have to turn it out in a pasture for a year? If I buy a colt or filly that has been at a stable and never been riden do I have to turn it out for a year before I can ride it even if it is 5?

    okay ill stop, just being a smart @55. Not to the person that asked the question more to the person that taught her that

  16. She should not be jumping with her because her bones have not matured yet

  17. yea a bit too much work.....tell her that she can jump her pony, but only once a week and keep cantering to a limit too. like 4 times a week. walk and trot is fine! =D xx

  18. u need to re-write this it is v. hard 2 understand.

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